Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I pulled myself together and walked into the auditorium. Today I would be hanging out with the band as one of them. Would they really accept me that easily?

Liam noticed me enter and his face lit up. Well at least he looked happy.

I joined them on the stage. Zach was sprawled on the floor. He turned over and glared at me.

"Why don't you look like shit?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "If it helps, you don't either."

"Well, I feel like shit."

"Too bad. That's what you get for being irresponsible. And telling me to paint Roxy yellow." Liam cut in.

"It seemed like a good idea back then!" Zach defended. "Even Lexa thought so."

"Hey, it was your idea to begin with." I flicked his head with my forefinger and thumb.

"You're dead to me." He said dramatically and turned over so his back faced us.

"Good." Scarlett spoke up, finally appearing to be paying attention.

I flopped down next to them.

"So what's the plan for today?"

"Practice. We need to get used to performing together." Jasper put in.

An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach. I had forgotten how I felt about performing in front of people. My hands were trembling slightly now. How ridiculous. I have no fear performing drunk at a party but I'm scared to practice with my own band?

Everyone stood in front of their instruments. Surprisingly, they had formed a semi circle today.

"To help you get used to it." Scarlett informed when she saw my inquiring expression.

I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and gripped the stand in front of me. It was oddly reassuring.

"What's the song?" I asked.

"Loverboy. Is that fine?"

I nodded. That was one of my favorite songs by You Me At Six. I knew most of the lyrics.

After Liam counted to three, the music started. And I completely missed my cue.

"Sorry!" I cried out.

"It's alright." Liam's voice was gentle while Scarlett sneered at me. She seemed to be in a great mood today.

We started again and I forgot the lyrics of the chorus, so we stopped again. I covered my face with my hands out of sheer embarrassment. What was wrong with me?

"Relax. You can do this." I muttered. Yes, I was having conversations with myself. Even better.

But when we started for the third time, I did pretty well. As in I didn't ruin the performance. We practised for about an hour before stopping to take a break.

I was handed a bottle of water which I was quite grateful for. I didn't realize how thirsty I had been feeling.

Soon we were chatting aimlessly. Our conversation was interrupted by an annoying noise. We realized it was coming from Liam's pocket. He pulled his phone out, looking confused.

"There's a place downtown, where the freaks all come around. It's a hole in the wall. It's a dirty free for all." Ke$ha's voice sang.

His expression darkened as his gaze fell on Jasper, who was trying not to look guilty as Liam's phone blared Take It Off.

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