Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I was walking towards the record store when the call came.

"Hey Liam." I said cheerfully.

"You won't believe what I'm about to tell you." He started to say.

"You won't know unless you tell me, do you?"

"Alright. Remember that a few people were taking videos of us performing in Times Square?" He paused for breath. "Well one of them put the video on YouTube."

"Is that all?"

"We've gone viral."

"You're right. I don't believe you." I told him.

"It's the truth!" He was laughing. "It's been three days and we've got thousands of views. Of course, we'll never get as many views as a certain K-pop artist, but we've really done well. Now we'll have a few fans that will turn up to see us at the competition."

"That's great." I didn't have any words to express how happy I was.

"Well, go watch it!"

"Sure. What's it called?"

"Mysterious band plays at Times Square."

"I'll watch it right away. Goodbye!" I hung up on him and ran to the door of the shop. After flinging it open, I went behind the counter and started to use the computer without saying a word.

"And hello to you too." Caleb said, sounding amused.

"Sorry. I just have to see this video."

"Which one?"

I entered the name Liam had given me and clicked on the first video that came up. The video started to play. The person holding the camera couldn't hold the camera straight at first. Then it focused on us just as I was lowering my finger and starting to sing.

"Is that you?!" Caleb sounded shocked.

I nodded. We fell into silence and watched the rest of the video. It ended with a shot of Liam running backwards and singing.

I scrolled down to look at the views. We had fifty thousand views already. Then I started to read the comments.

A few of them were from people asking about the band's name. They were answered with a few people saying that we might be participating in a local contest, which is why we might have performed in Times Square. The rest of the comments were people asking where they could find Liam.

I looked up at Caleb's face. He looked surprised.

"You were really great." He smiled at me. "I'm sure you'll do well in the contest."

I hugged him.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go celebrate." He added.

"But what about the store?"

"I'm sure Earl can take care of it. I hope he's not sleeping."

"There's no way I can sleep with you two making so much noise." Earl told us. "By the way, your band sounds quite good, girl-who-dumped-Caleb."

"She didn't dump me! We just decided that we wouldn't make a good couple." Caleb explained, sounding like he had told him this many times before.

"You keep telling yourself that."

Caleb made a frustrated sound and started pulling me towards the door. I remembered to thank Earl just before we could leave.

"That was interesting." I tried not to chuckle.

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