Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I kicked backwards, trying to hit the person who had grabbed me. Instead of having any effect, the arm around me tightened it's grip and the hand on my mouth did the same, to make sure I couldn't bite.

"Shh." A voice I couldn't place told me.

A second later, a policeman passed by.

My body relaxed. If this person didn't want me to get into trouble, I couldn't possibly be in any danger. I stopped trying to attract attention and fell silent along with my attacker. The man in the uniform stopped walking a few feet away from me.

I could feel myself start to perspire. The tense silence was broken by the cop's partner calling out to him. He looked around one last time and finally left in the direction from which the voice had come from.

"Nice to see you again Lexa." The man who was holding me whispered in my ear and chuckled.

I finally connected the voice with a face and froze with the realization.

"I told your friends not to draw attention to themselves, didn't I?" Raoul breathed in my ear.

My reaction to this was an attempt to break free from his hold. I thrashed around in his arms, but to no avail. Now I understood why he had hidden me from the police. He was hiding himself as well.

"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." There was a tinge of annoyance in his voice now. "I'm just here to warn you. To show you how easily I can get to you. How easy it is for me to trap you."

If he was reassuring me, this wasn't the best way to go about it.

"Listen carefully. You and the group that you call a band are not going to participate in this contest. I hope you give this message to the rest of them because I will not hesitate to come after them if they don't follow my instructions. Now, nod if you're not going to scream if I let go of you."

I nodded. But he didn't release me immediately. Instead, he leant his head on my shoulder, as if he was embracing me.

"You know, under different circumstances, we could have gotten along quite well." He whispered slowly, making sure I got the implied meaning behind his words.

I flinched away from him, which was the reaction he was looking for. He laughed and let go of me. Before I could step ahead, he was gone.

The next few minutes were a blur. I walked around without having a particular goal in my mind. The chilling words and the sound of his laughter kept resounding in my ears. There was a numbness that seemed to have spread through out my body.

"Lexa?" A voice asked. This was followed by a hand wrapping around my wrist.

I nearly dislocated my shoulder trying to pull away.

"Hey, it's alright. It's just me." The voice sounded concerned and familiar.

My eyes fell on the person who was talking to me.

"Jasper?" I managed to croak.

"Are you alright?" His eyebrows were raised.

"Let's go meet the rest, please." I felt exhausted from just saying those words.

"Alright." He reached for me again and this time I didn't protest.

I was led back to his house, where the rest were in the music room. Then I was made to sit down. The sound of excited banter died away when they noticed me.

"What happened?" Liam was asking.

"I don't know. I found her like this."

"Why is she shaking?" Someone added, sounding panicked.

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