Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I wasn't used to visitors dropping by when we met up for practice sessions, so I was a little taken aback by the sight of the guys talking to an old woman outside the auditorium.

She was wearing a beige shirt with a long skirt. A woolen cardigan was hanging off her shoulders. Her long white hair was tied in a bun. She was smiling and it made me want to smile.

But then Liam spoke. He said "I'm sorry. She doesn't want to see you."

The smile slipped off her face and she looked heartbroken.

"I wish I could change her mind." He continued. It was obviously hurting him just as much.

The woman nodded like she was used to hearing that. She started walking away slowly.

Liam folded his arms tightly and looked to Jasper who patted his back. Zach was shaking his head. They turned around and started to head back inside. I decided to step forward and find out what was going on myself.

"Liam!" I called out.

"Hey." He smiled as he turned around.

"We need to talk."

"Those words never mean anything good." Jasper commented.

He was ignored by both of us as we walked away.

"What did you want to say?" Liam started.

"I want to know who that woman was."

I saw a glimpse of something that looked like panic before his features became neutral.

"She's Scarlett's grandmother." He looked like he didn't want to reveal that.

"What was she telling you?" I pressed.

"I can't tell you." His voice was firm and unwavering.

I tried not to show him how much that hurt.

"Is it because you don't trust me yet?" I clasped my hands together.

"No! It's just that this isn't my story to tell. I don't feel it's right to talk about someone else's past."

I realized that this must be the mystery behind Scarlett's personality. I had to know what the secret was.

"She hates me right?" I concluded. "That's why she doesn't want me to know."

"What are you talking about?" Liam looked incredibly confused. "I agree that she's hard to get to know when you first meet her, but she doesn't hate you. In fact, I'm pretty sure she likes you."

"You mean that?" This was unbelievable.

"Yes." He nodded.

He started to walk into the auditorium, as if the conversation was over.

"Please." I tried one last time. "Please tell me."

He stopped and took a long, shuddering breath. He looked at my face and I could see his resolve start to crumble.

"I will tell you, but that's because you were going to find out anyway. Also, then you'll believe me when I say Scarlett doesn't hate you."

I smiled in what I hoped was an encouraging manner.

"Scarlett's parents abandoned her and her sister when they were children. No one knows why, but everyone had expected them to. They were highschool sweethearts, and were married by eighteen. They weren't prepared to deal with children."

"But then Scarlett came along." I whispered.

"And her younger sister, Claire." He added. "They weren't ready to take care of two children. So Scarlett was used to taking care of her sister as well as herself."

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