Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

There were no questions asked when I came back. Relieved looks were seen on the faces of the band. I started to feel guilty for walking away from them.

I started to apologize but Liam cut me off.

"It's alright. You needed space. Just remember, we're always there for you."

"Thank you." I smiled gratefully and walked forward to embrace my friends.


The next morning, I received a text message from Scarlett telling me to go to the record store. I sighed at my bed-head in the mirror. It would take some time to make myself look presentable.

After I finished combing through the mess on my head, I spent a few minutes choosing the clothes I would be wearing.

Jake was sitting on his usual spot on the couch.

"What are you watching?" I asked.

"Some cop show." He said in an off-handed way.

"Okay..." I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm going out to meet some friends."

"Eat some breakfast. There's toast on the table."

I did as I was instructed. There was some coffee that I readily took as well.

Then I looked at the time and cursed under my breath. Once again, I was late. I decided to jog till the store. After all, I needed the exercise.

"Perfect timing, as usual." Jasper commented as I reached.

"Are we playing here?" I ignored him and looked pointedly at the instruments scattered around.


"Why?" As soon as the words left my mouth, everyone started fidgeting and looking everywhere but me.

"For God's sake, stop looking like that! If anyone should be embarrassed, it should be me." Scarlett huffed.

"That does nothing to answer my question."

"I'm broke." She said flatly. "I need money to pay my rent or I'm going to be kicked out of my flat."

"We don't have any gigs lined up. So we're going to be busking today. Caleb agreed to let us do it in front of the shop since he feels it will bring in some business." Liam added.

"What are we playing?" I had noticed that they had only brought an acoustic guitar and a keyboard.

"Wherever You Are, Fast Car and Skinny Love." He sounded more relaxed when he realized that I wasn't too bothered by the fact that we were earning a band member's rent.

"Since I don't have anything to do, I'm going to try to get people to watch." Zach announced cheerfully.

"Great. Let's practice."

We sat down on the cushions that Earl had provided us with. I tried to ignore the layer of dust on them.

Liam picked up his guitar and started to play.

"For a while we pretended, that we never had to end it. But we knew we had to say goodbye. You were crying at the airport, when they finally closed the plane door. I could barely hold it all inside." I started to sing, feeling a little insecure because we hadn't practiced this song. "Torn in two, and I know I shouldn't tell you, but I just can't stop thinking of you. Wherever you are."

Zach had already gotten a few people to follow him. They were a few teenage girls looking at him in an adoring manner. They were going to be disappointed when they found out about Nikki.

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