Chapter Six | You've Never Had Ice Cream?

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"I can't believe you've never had ice cream!" Nick shouted, a little too loud and over the top, seeing as he was slightly drunk.

I laughed, both at my own ignorance of the beauty of ice cream and at Nick's behavior. "I know! I guess I don't get out much." The real truth is that I was lactose intolerant in my past life, so I had never gotten the chance. And whenever we came on land, there were far more important things on my mind than a frozen dessert.

We had been talking for almost three hours. The bodies twisting on the dance floor had mostly cleared out, except for a few drunks who were doing God knows what. The bartender was giving us dirty looks over the counter, hoping that we would clear out soon so that he could go home. It was almost closing time anyway.

Nick had been drinking responsibly for the most part - only a couple shots here and there. And by a couple I mean fourteen total. He seemed to be able to hold his alcohol though, he seemed only slightly tipsy.

I had had quite a few myself, and the alcohol had loosened me up a bit, causing me to laugh at almost anything Nick said. I couldn't help it though; he was genuinely funny.

I was feeling good, not even thinking about food, or Lydia, or any of the others. The only thing that was on my mind was how close Nick was. How good he smelled, like a mix of vanilla and Axe body spray. Somehow his leg was pressed up against mine, and I didn't mind one bit.

"We need to get you ice cream," Nick said.

I started to protest, but he cut me off with a finger to my lips.

"Nope, don't even try. I'm not kidding! You have not lived until you've eaten a bowl of cookies and creme ice cream."

I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling anyway. I playfully shoved his hand from my face. "Oh really? And when are we going to do that?"

"Right now!" Nick shouted, as if the answer was the most obvious thing in the world. "Come on, I know a great little place!"

I laughed as he grabbed my arm and started pulling me from my stool. "Wait a minute, Superman, I need to pay first."

"Oh no, don't worry about that. I've got you covered," Nick replied easily.

"Nick, no you--"

"Marina, hush. You are a beautiful girl and I am going to buy you a drink!" Nick said adamantly.

 was both surprised and pleased. No one had ever done that for me just because they thought I was genuinely beautiful before.

I blushed furiously. "Okay," I murmured, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"Good." Nick handed the bartender a wad of bills and then steered me toward the door. I felt his hand brush my back and my heart leaped. I mentally chastised myself. What are you doing, Marina? Keep your head on straight.

As we exited the door of the bar, the city assaulted us with noises and smells once more. I breathed in deeply, getting a whiff of the smells that I miss for so much of the year. I smiled, enjoying my freedom.

We started to head down the sidewalk, teasing each other and laughing uproariously. I was genuinely enjoying myself, not stressing over getting my food like years before. I felt like I had all the time in the world.

Nick kept finding ways to touch me, either on my back or my shoulder. There was nothing sexual about it, but every time his hand brushed mine, a spark fluttered in my chest. I couldn't stop looking at him. His laugh was infectious, and his smile was like a ray of sunshine.

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