Chapter Nineteen | Dumpsters and Deadly Kisses

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"Dammit, you're too good at this!" Nick threw down his cards in frustration.

I laughed and gathered the cards into a big pile so that I could shuffle them one more time. "I'm honestly impressed with myself. I never win this much. Maybe you're just really bad," I teased him.

"Uh huh, sure," he said, pouting.

Nick and I had returned to the hotel after breakfast and decided to rest for most of the day. Nick would need his strength if we were going to the club later that night. His ribs needed a break before dancing in a crowded area. So, we had spent a good portion of the afternoon playing various board games, most of which I had won.

"Do you want another round?" I asked, holding up the cards.

"No, I'm kinda done with Uno," he said. "Let's play Parcheesi or something."

I voiced my agreement and leaned down to kiss his forehead. As I did so, my stomach clenched and a sharp pain sliced through my head. I clutched my forehead and stumbled over to the couch. Nick rushed over to me, concern written all over his face.

"Are you okay? What happened?" he asked breathlessly.

I shook my head, trying to regain my composure and stop my head from pounding so hard. "I don't really know, I just got a giant headache all of a sudden." Realization hit me: I still hadn't eaten yet. My mermaid body was starving, and was trying to remind me that I needed blood before tomorrow night. Usually, I got my food on the first couple of days we had been on land. I had never waited until day six before, so I wasn't used to being this deprived of blood. I needed food, and badly.

The pain in my head subsided, but my stomach still rumbled. Nick loomed over me, brow creased with worry. I smiled up at him reassuringly.

"I'm okay, Nick. I promise. I think I'm just hungry." I got up slowly and slipped on some flats. Nick followed me as I grabbed my purse and hotel key.

"Where are you going?"

I touched my hand to his face. "I'm going to get us some Chinese takeout. We could both use some lunch, and you need to stay here and rest your ribs, okay? I won't be gone long." I got up on my tiptoes to kiss his forehead, and slung my bag over my shoulder.

"Marina?" Nick called after me.


"I love you."

My grin felt like it split my face in two. "I love you too, babe." I waved to him as I walked out of the hotel room. The door closed and I made my way swiftly down the hallway. Time to go find my real target.

* * *

The alley was dingy and dark even in the afternoon sun. A dripping noise sounded from a leaking pipe somewhere and echoed against the brick walls. I kept my head down and my hands tucked into my jeans pockets, trying not to draw the attention of the few other people hanging around the area. After walking a little farther, I turned the corner and found myself near a couple dumpsters that were behind a small, greasy diner.

I waited behind the dumpsters, holding my breath so as not to breathe in the rank stench of week-old garbage. The back door of the diner creaked open, and a young man with a stained apron and a backwards baseball cap on his head stepped outside.

"Hey Lenny, tell Rob that I'm stepping out for a smoke," he called back through the door before shutting it behind him. He reached into the pocket in his apron and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I could hear the faint click as the boy touched the flame to the tip of the cigarette. Waiting a few moments to make sure that no one else was going to join him for a smoke break, I ran my fingers through my hair and rubbed my lips together to give them a little more color. After prepping myself a bit, I stepped hesitantly out from behind the dumpsters, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.

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