Chapter Twenty-One | Storage Unit 255A

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I was dragged out of a deep dream by the piercing ring of my cell phone. I blinked blearily, trying to shake off the hold that sleep had over me, and grabbed my phone off the side table. Nick groaned and rolled over on his side, taking most of the blanket with him. I shook my head and looked down at the screen to see who was calling this early on our last day here. Normally we all slept in during the morning before the Switch, savoring the feeling of a soft bed and the warm rays of sun on our skin.

It was Lydia. I immediately answered, confused as to why she would be contacting me.


"Marina! Thank Poseidon you answered," our leader said breathlessly. "We found the culprit behind all the murders. Meet us at our storage unit as soon as you can. It's number 255A."

"Wait, Lydia, slow down. You found out who it was?" I asked. Nick rolled back over, confusion written across his face. He mouthed "Who is it?" at me, and I waved a hand at him, motioning to wait a few seconds.

"Yeah, we did, but I don't want to tell you over the phone. Come here ASAP, okay? See you soon." And before I could get out another word, Lydia had hung up. I stared down at my phone, lost in thought. They found the mermaid who had done this? Was it one of our own, or was it a mermaid from the Shell who we didn't know? I didn't know how to react. So many emotions flooded through me at once: relief, anticipation, fear.

A hand touched my bare shoulder and I flinched instinctively. "What was all that about? Did it have anything to do with the murders?" Nick asked through a yawn.

I flopped back down on the bed, hair splaying out on the pillow underneath me. I looked over at him and smiled sadly. Tracing his features with my eyes, I brushed his hair out of his eyes and tried to commit every detail of his face to memory. I had to leave him tonight, and my heart felt heavy, like someone was squeezing my chest.

"No, it wasn't that important," I told him. "It was just my boss -- we have an urgent meeting this morning, and I have to be there soon. I'm sorry babe."

Nick's face fell a little, but then brightened again. "That's okay," he replied, kissing my forehead. "We'll just have to find another time to stay in bed all day. And we have all the time in the world."

My heart clenched again as I took in his lopsided grin that I had come to love so much. "Yeah," I said, faking enthusiasm, "another day."

I forced myself to get out from under the sheets, goosebumps covering my arms as my skin protested the loss of warm blankets. My hair got shoved into a bun without being brushed, and I threw on a basic sundress and some sandals so that I could feel the wind and sun on my skin one last time. When I went over to the bed to give Nick a goodbye kiss, he grabbed me and tried to pull me back onto the bed to stay with him. After some protesting and a lot of laughing and tickling, he finally released me.

"Have a good meeting, love," he told me, squeezing my hand. "Call me when it's over and I can meet you for lunch or something."

I smiled down at him. "That sounds perfect. You stay here and rest those ribs, okay?" I said, giving him a pointed look. "And don't forget to take your medication."

He rolled his eyes but grinned. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed Nick once more on the forehead, and then made my way out the door before my emotions persuaded me to stay in bed with him for the rest of my life.

As soon as I closed my hotel room door, I rushed down the stairs, not even bothering to wait for the elevator. I hoped I wouldn't be too late, and I mentally chided myself for spending that extra time with Nick when my clan needed me. My loyalty should lie with them, and no one else. I was starting to understand why romance on land was forbidden: it not only risked exposing the existence of mermaids to the outside world, but diluted the loyalty of a mermaid to her clan.

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