Epilogue | A New Life

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"I still can't believe that you didn't tell me earlier. Did you know how many times I beat myself up about being with you?" I softly punched Nick in the arm.

"Am I really that bad?" he joked. I punched him again and laughed.

The sun was setting, and gorgeous hues of pink and purple were painted across the sky. Our clan was standing on the beach by our secret cave, talking amongst themselves. We were awaiting the moment the sun was about to hit the horizon so we could get into the water in time for the Switch. Lydia had told everyone the history between mermen and mermaids, and ended by saying that Nick would be joining us. Everyone seemed to be okay with it, maybe even a little too eager that there would be a male in our clan. I had been holding Nick a bit closer since the announcement, wary of the whispering and giggling girls around us.

I still forgot how to breathe whenever I looked around and didn't see Becca's smiling face among the other girls. Her death was something that would take me a while to get over. Lydia was guarding Rachel, who was still tied up and covered in crusted blood. Her face looked like a patchwork of bruises, and I winced every time I glanced over. Rachel had been silent and cooperative the entire time, which was unlike her. Hopefully she had finally accepted her punishment. Nadina was guarding Tanya, whose face was only a little better than Rachel's. We still didn't know what would happen to them once we were back in the ocean, but I knew it wouldn't end well for either of them.

The sun continued to make its way down the sky, and when the bottom started to disappear beyond the horizon, we made our way into the water. The cold bit into my toes and legs, but I shivered and enjoyed the feeling one last time. Nick took my hand and smiled at me as we waded deeper, up to our chests. We all treaded water and watched with anticipation as the sun became an orange sliver.

Finally, it set completely, and I felt the familiar tingling and tugging sensation of the Switch. Nick swam closer to me and enveloped me in his arms. As our legs turned into tails, he kissed me slowly and gently, fingertips brushing my hair out of my face. We broke apart, resting our foreheads against each other for a few moments. With one final glance at the bright lights of the city, we dove deep into the blue water, excited to start our new lives with each other.

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