Chapter Eleven | The Best Day Ever

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I woke up with a smile on my face, something that hadn't happened in quite a long time. I thought about Nick and what had happened downstairs by the elevator.

The kiss. Well, it was only a kiss on the cheek, but all the same.

I hadn't been able to stop smiling after it happened, even while I brushed my teeth and put on my pajamas. Nick brought out a side of me that I liked, one that was confident and independent. I knew men inside and out, literally, so I knew that Nick was different. He never forced me to do anything that I didn't want to, and genuinely cared about my wellbeing. I was incredibly lucky to have found him. Now if only he could come back into the ocean with me... But I didn't want to think about leaving him just yet.

I forced myself to think about what plans he had for the day. He told me last night that he had already cooked up an idea, and I was both excited and nervous. What if I didn't enjoy what he had planned? I quickly dismissed the thought. I trusted that anything Nick had planned was sure to be immensely fun for both of us.

I hopped out of bed and headed for the shower. As I was undressing, a ping on my phone alerted me that Nick had texted. I snatched it up, and the smile found my face once again as I read the words on the screen.

Are you ready for an adventure?

I replied as quickly as I could, fingers flying faster than they ever had.

Of course! What's the plan?

He replied just as quickly.

Not telling. ;)

Ugh. That boy could be infuriating. I was intrigued by the air of mystery, though.

Fine lol. Meet me upstairs in 10 minutes. Room 214.

I took the fastest shower of my life, barely even registering what I was doing. I was too involved thinking about what Nick could possibly have planned that I almost got out of the shower without rinsing out my shampoo.

I quickly dressed in a cute sky blue sundress and left my hair down to air dry. I had just finished brushing my teeth when there was a small rap on the door. I hurriedly looked in the mirror, making sure that I wasn't missing any important clothing items, and pulled open the door.

Nick stood there in a blue button-down shirt and khaki shorts, holding a bouquet of pink roses. We both stood there gaping at the other before bursting into laughter.

"Look at us!" Nick chuckled. "We match perfectly!"

Indeed, the shade of blue we were wearing was the exact same.

"I guess we know each other better than we thought," I responded, still trying to breathe through fits of giggles.

"You look beautiful, though," Nick said shyly. That stopped my laughing and I flushed as pink as the roses he was holding.

"Thanks," I replied, suddenly self-conscious. Did my hair look like I had just woken up? I mean, I was barefoot for Poseidon's sake. "You look really nice, too," I murmured, looking deep into his green eyes. It was his turn to blush.

"Thanks, Marina."

He was so cute! I quickly composed myself. "Hey, you can come inside while I finish getting ready," I told him. "I just need to grab my bag and some shoes, and we can go."

Nick followed me into the hotel room and whistled appreciatively. I hadn't really noticed it before, but the room was actually very nice. The king-sized bed was in the middle of the room with cream curtains hanging over it. A mahogany wood made up the bed frame, and the same wood was used in accents all over the room: the dresser, night stand, and doors were all mahogany. There was a large window with cream curtains that overlooked the ocean, and whenever I opened it, the scents and sounds of the ocean filled my senses.

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