1: Not Five Nights at Freddy's

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(Guys, I'm going to dedicate this first chapter to a good friend of mine: skwarlogirlcfc her works are something incredible, and she is an amazing person! Go check her out if you already haven't!)

Chilled's POV

"This room will be temporarily yours for the next couple of days until we get the game going. Enjoy your stay, and please let us know if anything isn't to your standards!" the lady, shorter with brown hair tied up and light eyes, smiled at us before shutting the door behind her as she left. The room she had left us in was a large one, several beds with a television and some dressers as well as two nightstands. One hallway led off to a bathroom, and I gaped as I looked around. This place was something of high quality, and I could only grin wildy at my friends.

"Guys, we made it!" I exclaimed to them, and Ze looked up at me with a wide grin. GaLm high fived Ze, and Smarty only turned, focused more on unpacking rather than what we were saying, and we only laughed at his confusion.

A few months back, we had been sent an email asking us about our thoughts on joining an experiment based around advancements in gaming technology. Of course, all of the Derp Crew was excited to see this happen, and so we agreed to go as long as we were going as a group. They must have really wanted us, because one plane ride later, here we all were, sharing a dorm.

"Can you believe that this kind of technology is real now?" GaLm asked, unpacking a bit of his own belongings and glancing around. "A sort of simulated area with an interactive environment, and we can go in without being hooked up to some sort of machine or tied down and sent in via electric signals in the brain? Now that's something interesting."

"Its incredible that of all the people they want to beta test their systems, they chose YouTubers." Ze exclaimed, pulling off his sweatshirt and leaving it to hang on the edge of the bed he had claimed.

"If you think about it, it's good marketing." I pointed out. "Several games have made profit simply because someone on YouTube decides to play it. It's no surprise to me that they invited people who work as a YouTuber to test it, especially since we'll be the first ones with dibs on tech like this should it be open to us."

"Do you think the really big YouTubers like Pewdiepie will be here?" Smarty asked, and Ze laughed.

"I heard both him and his girlfriend were coming. She's qualified as a gamer technically because she's played games before on her channel, and honestly it'll be nice to have a mix." Ze admitted.

"What are you kidding?" I asked, snorting. "Minx is on her way too, ya know! This will be quite fun with her around."

"I think it will be fun with all the Derps here, although its a shame that Tom couldn't make it." Smarty agreed, nodding his head slowly. We all nodded back in agreement, and then GaLm glanced at his watch.

"When the hell did that lady say dinner was?"

"I think 5:30." Ze said, sounding unsure of himself, and I shrugged, laughing.

"If not, then we'll just be fashionably late." I said, and we shared a laugh at this.

"Fashionably late it is, then." Ze chuckled.


Felix's POV

"Wow, this place is gorgeous!" Marzia exclaimed, looking around the large, two bed room that we shared together. I grinned up at her as she did a small twirl in the open space in the center of the room. I chuckled, walking over to the windows and opening them up. I looked outside, and saw a familiar man step out of his car, striding towards the door.

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