chapter xii :: the next step

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Nigel and Jack sat in the silence again.  Their shoulders were pressed against one another's, but neither cared that they were touching.  Their faces were emotionless, as if all the emotions they had felt that night went to sleep, leaving the muscles in their skin empty.

It was Nigel who broke the quietness.  "Brittany called."

"Who?" came Jack's voice right after, relieves that he had an excuse to speak.

"Brittany Foster.  I probably should text her since the last thing she heard or saw was you yanking me from the phone."

"Why were you talking to her?  Does she know?"

"No. I mean, she knows something's not right.  She probably thinks we're crazy."  Nigel stood up and walked to the bedroom window.  Lifting a single blind, he looked down at the yard below.  He shuddered from head to toe, but tries to pretend it was a normal sight to see. There, resting peacefully, was the three-headed dog. It was curled up, the head in the middle resting on the front paws while the other two were resting on the grass.

"You shouldn't worry about him," Jack assured. "He'll turn into a puppy if your dad finds him."

"I'm not worried about that.  I'm just afraid of what's going to happen next."

"We should probably go to sleep."  Jack swung his legs up onto the bed, kicked his shoes off and propped a pillow.  He patted the empty spot next to him and wiggled his eyebrows. Nigel just stared at him, very unamused.

"I'll sleep on the floor."

"Fine."  Jack burrowed under the covers and snuggled up comfortably while Nigel laid down on the floor.  They were both comfortable, despite the drastic surfaces they were on, and neither had reasons to complain.

After situating himself, Nigel whispered, "You want Brittany's number?"

The bedsheets crunched and Jack sat up.  "Why?"

"I don't know. Someone to talk to, I guess."

"My girlfriend and I are fine, we just need to work things out."

"Jack, you've done everything for her. More than any one should do for any one.  I mean, what has she ever done for you that you didn't have to remind her of?"

Jack struggled to find the memory.

"Exactly. You're too good for her.  And I think you should call Brittany."

"Nigel, listen--."

"I'll put her number in your phone tomorrow.  Night, mate."

Jack shook his head and sunk back down.  Nigel was right.  His current girlfriend was not committed to him like he was to her.  She had broken his trust too many times, and he foolishly overlooked them. He believed if he tried harder, she would stay. But she was a ship without a mast and a compass. And he was drowning before he even tested the waters, knowing very well she wouldn't save him.

Hours passed and daylight was rising. The boys were both still asleep, but if they had been awake, they would have seen an intruder climbing through the bedroom window.  It wasn't until the stranger stepped on Nigel's foot was he, or she, then found out.

Nigel awoke without hesitation, leaped to his feet, and grabbed the stranger.  The person in his grip was smaller than him, but sturdy and strong.  The two of them tussled awhile, ramming into the wardrobe and desk.  It was a wonder Jack was still asleep.  When Nigel finally had the stranger locked and pinned, he asked the simple question, "Who are you?"

"I was going to ask the same question."

It was a girl. Probably not that much older than him.

"Why are you in my house?  I can charge you for breaking and entering."

"Oh yeah?"  The girl twisted her head around, trying to get a better view of her captor.  "And I can charge you for stealing."


"That's my dog you got chained up there."

Nigel laughed nervously.  "There are plenty of black lab pups you can lift.  That one's mine."

The girl, in a voice drenched in sarcasm, answered calmly, "Well, I prefer mine with three-heads."

Frightened, Nigel tossed the girl aside and looked around for some response.  But his answers weren't on the walls and his solutions were certainly not accessible.  "Who are you?"

Straightening her shoulders, the girl slipped the hood off her head, showcasing shoulder length hair.  She turned her face to Nigel, letting the blue moonlight expose her features.  She was strangely beautiful, like a mythological creature.  Her small nose, oval eyes, and thick eyebrows made her look like a girl made for another world. Her voice was slightly rough, making it easy to confuse her between a girl or a boy.

"Why do you have the dog?"

Not wanting to be the one answering, Nigel cleared his throat and reversed the question.  "Why do you want the dog?"

"I want it for the circus," the girl replied, irritated, before saying honestly, "It's dangerous and needs to be killed before it kills anyone."

"And how do you know about this?"

"Apparently you have your secrets and I have mine.  Give the dog to me and you can forget this ever happened."

"Yeah, sure, cause someone who sneaks into other people's houses is certainly someone who can be trusted!"

"Have it your way. Don't say I didn't try and help."  The girl shoved past Nigel and walked over to the window.   She started to climb out the window before Nigel grabbed her hoodie.  She yelped, but caught herself.   "What?" She growled.

"What's your name?"

"What's it to you?"

Nigel lifted an eyebrow and gave her a small shove.

Her face flashed with terror and she gripped the windowsill tighter.  "It's  Archer."

"Archer?  Really?"

"My parents wanted a boy. They got me instead.  Can't expect your name to be any better."

"It's Nigel."

The girl shrugged.  "Guess we're all a bit misplaced.  Night."  She gave Nigel a wink and shimmied down the window, agile and silent like a black cat.  She disappeared, leaving Nigel enchanted and bewildered.  He wasn't sure if he'd tell Jack in the morning.  For all he knew, he could have been dreaming.

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