chapter xviii :: archer's barricade

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Brittany stretched a hand out and laid it on Jack's shoulder.  She could feel the heat from him dampen her palm and the skin beneath her twitched.  "Jack?  What are we going to do?"

"We have to do it," Jack said sternly, his fingers picking at his bottom lip.  His eyes shifted over to Nigel, looking for his approval.  "If we don't, I'm scared of what will happen.  I can't believe I'm scared, but, I feel like if don't go to the crossroads, something bad will happen to all of us."

"We've got like six hours to kill," Archer said, glancing at her wristwatch, "what do we do in the meantime?  Lunch?"

Even though such words sounded trivial to their unfortunate event, they weren't far from the truth.  Their stomachs began growling, as if the word "lunch" was a magical phrase that triggered the muscles in their stomachs to contract in agony.

"Sounds like a good idea.  Where do you want to go?"  Jack asked, looking around at the vacant eyes.  "Don't make me decide.  Nigel, where do you want to go?  Nigel?"

At the change of pitch in Jack's voice, everyone turned their eyes to Nigel, who was sitting motionless in his chair, eyes slightly open, and mouth shut.  It was as if he was put under a trance, or spell.  It was frightening -- as if a living body had gone dead without warning. 

"What's wrong with him?"  Brittany asked, breath hitched and body half-way out of her chair.  She stared at Jack, screaming silently at him to do something.

"Get him out of here," Archer said in a strict, demanding tone.  She stood up immediately from her chair, her eyes scanning the room.  She quickly draped one of Nigel's arm around her neck while Jack took the other.

"Get the dog," Jack commanded Brittany as he and Archer began rushing Nigel out of the library.  Several people stared at them, including the security guard, but none offered a hand to help.  Jack pushed the door open with his feet and headed to his car.  He looked over his shoulder and saw Brittany running behind him with Rex in her arms.

"What's happening to Nigel?"  Jack seethed in his mind, hoping the dog would respond with a non-jigsaw puzzle response. 

"Let's just say we hellions take precautions," Rex replied, yawning and rolling out his small pink tongue, "if Brittany doesn't give up her soul, we'll have Nigel's mind locked in Hell.  You see, we're a spiritual world that has been here long before Earth.  We can intervene whenever we like."

After they had placed Nigel in the car, Archer went up to Jack and shoved him in the shoulder.  "What did you say to make Rex angry?"

"Me?  I didn't do anything!  Why are you defending him?"  Jack began feeling some betrayal.

"Listen, buddy, I know what that dog can do.  You don't want to get him mad.  So, we better do what he wants at the crossroad, okay?  We cannot back out."  Archer made to leave, but Jack grabbed her firmly by the arm. 

"I know who you are, okay?  You've had something up your sleeve this whole time...why else would you be acting like nothing matters?  You're on Rex's side, aren't you?"

Archer's face tightened and her eyes penetrated through Jack's.  Her body tensed and she said through a voice trying not to cry, "You think you're a hero, don't you?  You don't know anything.  Just because I'm not flustering about or barking orders, doesn't mean I don't care."

"Really?  What's in it for you?"

A tear dropped from Archer's face and she said quietly, "Both my parents died in a fire, ironic, right?  I was at school when I found out.  Mind you, my parents weren't 'good' people.  Strangely, I think they had it coming.  But then, afterwards, I was being followed.  And I don't know by who.  It wasn't until that dog showed up did I find my answer."

Jack began feeling uncomfortable and his grip loosened.  "What answer?"

"A way to find the demon who set the fire, and I'm going to kill him, by using the Rex."

"You're kidding me?"

Archer scoffed.  "Vengeance is a powerful thing, my friend.  Besides, a flippin' three-headed dog fell into my hands, what else am I going to have it do.  I promised him that I'd return him home if he eats the demon who ruined my life.  And demons can die, too.  It's call, non-existing."

"You know he can hear us."

Archer smirked and her eyes rolled. "No.  He can speak to me, but he can't hear what I'm thinking, or saying, for that matter.  You see, I've tricked the dog.  The voice Nigel is hearing is through a friend of mine."

Jack's eyebrow rose and he made a threatening step closer to Archer.

"Woah, chill down, buddy.  Let me finish."

"You better not be doing anything strange."

"What could be stranger than this?"  Archer chuckled and continued in her monotonous voice, "Do you believe in angels?

Jack shrugged. It seemed easier to believe in demons and monsters than angels. But he figured if demons existed, so must angels.

"All right, whether you believe in them or not, some merciful angel has blocked the devil dog from listening to anything I think I say.  And, here's the icing on the cake, I can speak to Nigel through the angel.  So, we've been telling Nigel plans to get out and to try and get you and Brittany to follow them.  But now, I think Rex figured it out and has blocked me from talking to Nigel...that's why your friend is basically dead for now.  And that's why, we better start following orders or he's going to find a way to break the barrier I have between us."

"Is anyone going to get hurt?"

"You're the leader, champ.  I don't know what that means for you, but we have a ways to go to get to the Crossroads."  Archer climbed into the backseat beside Nigel and buckled up their seatbelts.

Brittany rode shotgun, still holding the dog, and Jack hopping into the driver's seat.

"Whatever you and Archer were talking about, you better be careful.  Don't strain your mind too much -- you can tell me what you told her, or, at least, what you think about  all of this."

Wincing, Jack forced himself to think about something else.  He couldn't let Rex know about his conversation with Archer.  Any leakage could destroy their one chance in escaping everything.  "We're going to the Crossroads, Rex.  That's what we're doing.  We're trying to get you home."  Swallowing, Jack looked in the rearview mirror and saw a sleeping Nigel leaning against Archer's chest. 

Archer looked up at Jack's reflection and gave him a nod that he knew meant, 'good cover.'

"This is the end, Jack.  Once we get to the Crossroad, I'll see which side you've been on." 

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