chapter xvi :: the guardian

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The four, single-file, marched into the library. Archer was in the lead with that signature smirk of confidence, her arms swinging by her side in a cavalier manner. It was as if everything was a fun puzzle to her -- everything seen as insignificant until it affected her own well-being. Jack followed close behind, his eyes focused on his destination and his jaw fixed in a stern clench. He felt more in control of his situations and felt as if the answers were right around the corner. Rex had been fitted in the stolen service jacket and was walking obediently right alongside Jack's heel.

Brittany walked directly behind Jack, her expression calm and curious. Her steps were light, quick, and directed. She wasn't like Archer at all, but she had her own confidence people admired her for. Brittany was sure to admit later that she wasn't entirely sure why she had agreed to help the boys, but something inside her was empty and craving for fullment. A seemingly "harmless" investigation looked like the perfect satisfaction.

Nigel happily filled the responsbility as the last man, cautiously making sure no one would suspect their behaviour. His light brown eyes moved side to side, studying passerbyers as if they were wanted criminals. His small mouth was sealed, exaggerating his fine features even more. He liked the feeling of being caught up in the unknown -- he liked having no control and just seeing what would happen next. Too much of his life had been spent scheduling, planning, and predicting his school, work, and outside pleasures. He was tired of all that and wanted a sense of abandonment. He saw all of this an opportunity to take responsbility of things only as they're happening.

Archer walked up to the computer station and studied them for a moment. All of them were filled and she was impatient.

"Maybe we can sign up and wait?" Jack suggested, feeling the adrenaline in his body settle.

"We can't wait," Archer huffed as she walked up to a young man at the computer closest to them. She politely cleared her throat in her hand and waited for the man to look up to her.

"Hey, can I help you?" the man asked, bewilder and slightly irritated that someone had interuppted his business.

"I really hate to be a bother, and completely understand if this is out of line, but my friends and I need to borrow the computer. We're on a time crunch and--,"

"Sure, sure. I was finishing this up anyway. Do you mind I wrap this up?

Breaking out into a pleasant smile, Archer replied happily, "Of course! Do what ever you need to do, thank you so much." She gave him another appreciative smile, whether it was sincere or fake, Jack could not tell, and returned to the group.

"Thanks," Jack said.

"No problem. I think we should spare using Nigel's computer until we're really in need. Don't want to risk being traced or anything like that, you know?"

"Anyone can trace us. They have cameras up there anyway to see who's at the computer," Nigel said under his breath. He felt the hair on his neck stand up and his awareness of his surroundings heightened.

"Chill down, buddy, your computer will be put into use to fix that. Now, who's good at researching?"

At those words, everyone pointed at the person beside them. Jack pointed at Brittany, Brittany pointed at Nigel, Nigel pointed at Archer, and Archer pointed at Jack. They all exchanged looks of annoyance. It was as if they had played a round of Paper, Rock, Scissors, and everyone chose "rock."

"Brittany's good at research. I'm sure she has to research medicine and stuff. She's also the only one that has degree in something," Jack piped up. He tried not to sound complimentary, but it came off like he was proudly boasting her skills.

Brittany's cheeks flushed and she looked away from Jack for a brief moment to catch her breath. Once she had collected herself, she looked up and spoke humbly. "I can do what I can. I just don't know what you need me to look up?"

Archer pulled up a chair from behind her and straddled it, arms folded over the back of the chair. "Okay, let's start at beginning. What's the first odd thing you two noticed?" She gestured to Jack and Nigel.

"We saw fire, we got tattoos, and we heard a voice," Jack replied. "I can't remember the order of it right now."

"Show me your tattoo," Archer said.

Jack leaned forward and displayed the symbol on his hand. "The dog had bitten me and, at first, it looked like a normal bite mark. Now it's...well, something else."

"Interesting." Archer leaned thoughtfully on her arms. "Britt, type in 'cerberus symbol.'"

"Already did that," Brittany said. "I had spent the whole night looking at the symbols and calling people and it all led me to the fact that this symbol stands for: heaven, earth, and hell, and has to do with the three-headed dog. I read up on myths, and there wasn't anything new that we all don't know. We basically are stuck with," Brittany lowered her voice and finished her sentence, "Satan's dog. The only thing I haven't found out about is why they see fire."

Nigel chimed in. "We think we're able to see what the dog sees."

"You can't see what I see," Rex spoke.

Jack and Archer glanced over at the dog and then at each other. They had forgotten that they were the only two Rex spoke to.

"The fire is just a prediction of what's to come. The tattoos, as I had mentioned, stand for the amount of torture you will all receive. And the voice is, well, me. Nigel, on the other hand, is who I'm worried about."

Jack's eyes turned slowly to Nigel and then back down at the dog. "Why?" he mouthed to Rex with an inquisitive shrug that hardly went unnoticed.

"What is he saying to you?" Nigel asked.

"He's telling me we shouldn't worry about those three things: fire, symbols, and the voice. But he's telling me something more important."

"Yeah, like, why are we responsible with him."

"I don't know who's speaking to Nigel. But that's who you need to spend your time on."

Jack could feel the sweat collecting and his breath was having a harder time getting past his lips. "Um, Brittany, look more into the mythology of the Cerberus. See if you can find any connections to any of the characters in the story. Or, something like that."

Brittany lifted her fingers over the keyboard and pondered.  Her curved fingers began to descend on the keys before she turned to Jack and motioned him to lean in.

"What's up?" Jack whispered.  He knew Nigel and Archer could hear them, but he didn't care.  "What's wrong?"

"You know the Cerberus is the three-headed dog from Hell that's owned by Satan, right?"

"Yeah.  I do."

"Does this mean we're doing something dangerous?  Why are we doing this in the first place?"

"I don't know.  But all I know is that it's what we need to do."

"You are all looking for the wrong answers.  You don't need to know anything you're looking for.  I can tell you this, Jack, the voice talking to Nigel is the same voice --- I believe --- has the key to Hell. We need to find the key and give it to Brittany.  That's why she's the Guardian."

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