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The three-headed dog, surprisingly, kept his promise.  Nigel, Archer, and Brittany were freed -- they had never went through the Gates.  They were returned to Earth, each swearing to never tell anyone what had happened to them.  And it was weird for the three survivors -- waking up every morning to the sun after having been trapped in a scorching pit and pretending they weren't missing the fourth one.

Though they hardly spoke to one another afterwards, Nigel made an oath to find Jack and bring him home.  He knew he was alive because  when he had parted from him in Hell, Jack grabbed him and whispered something in his ear.  "Keep the angel ash.  Something tells me to keep it."   And before the two had separated, Nigel gave a handful of the angel's ashes to Jack and kept some for himself.  Even though the angel had been destroyed, it didn't kill the angel's ordained purpose, which was to be a means of back and forth communication.  

By the end of the summer, the Anthony family was convinced Jack had been kidnapped and killed.  The searches stopped and the investigation became history.  But for Nigel Wilde, Brittany Foster, and Archer London, they knew they would find Jack.  After all, he had completed being the Key, the Guardian, and the Messenger.  Now, even though he wasn't with them, he had to complete the last part of the Criteria: leading his friends to him.

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