chapter 12

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Hey guys. I am sorry its taken me a few days to upload. Also I am so sorry that this chapter isn't as long as some of the other chapters, however this chapter has a few clues in to help you work out who attacked Addison in the park in the other chapter. I will be holding a competition in a few chapters and the winner will have the Epilogue of this story dedicated to them when the time comes. I want to thank those of you who are regular readers to this chapter, your reads comments and votes mean a lot to me, and I want to thank the newer readers who have only just started reading, your reads mean a lot to me as well. Anyway its time to start this chapter. I hope you enjoy. There are quite a few cute moments. Anyway on with the show...ah I mean story.

Emilia woke up, and instantly a frown appeared on her face. She wasn't woken by her sister.For the past few months Addison had been waking Emilia up and she had gotten into the habit of the little knees ramming into her sides. 

Yes Addison had been in hospital so it was a surprise that she was still expecting the young child to wake her, after all she still doesn't remember that she has a sister.It was a nippy morning, summer was leaving and Autumn was nearing. 

This was the one season that Emilia had always seemed to love the smells of. The vanilla scent in the kitchen as their mother baked cookies, or even weirdly the smell of wet grass. Emilia had been waiting for this season to begin ever since she started seeing colors a few weeks ago.

"I have missed you so much," Madison said as the group entered the small coffee shop on the corner of the quitest street in town, which they had discovered by accident one day."Yeah we have missed you so much, and you have been missing the history of colour. Did you know that some people see colour around someone who they think is there soul mate but in reality this person who has allowed them to see colour actually isn't their soul mate.""Dang it," Chase said with his fingers. "Imagine that though seeing colours and waiting for that moment since you have been in nappies and then suddenly you see colour, and you think wow I have met my soul mate, but turns out the person who gave you the ability to see colour... you aren't their soul mate," Chase said with a small frown on his face."Well, why don't we order now," Madison said looking down at the menu."Sounds like a great Idea. I mean I'm famished," Chase said looking down at his menu.

"Hey I am Becky and I will be your waitress today. What may I get you guys?... Has anyone seen my pen..." Becky said pulling her notebook from her apron pocket and fiddling around trying to find her pen."Um, I think its in your hair," Jack said with a small chuckle, as Madison elbowed him in the chest."Thanks, I am such a forgetful person sometimes," Becky said pulling the pen from the bun in her hair."Um so what does everyone want," Becky said with a click of the pen. - Page Break - "So that is one BLT, two french toasts and a stack of pancakes, one blueberry," Becky said as she placed each plate in front of each of the teens sitting at the table."So whats kept you two from attending school in the past week," Madison said taking a bite of her blue berry pancake."well I.. well I was really sick. Terrible bug,"Emilia said feeling guiltily, not wanting to let on that her sister has been hanging on to dear life, and has no idea that she even has a sister.

 And Emilia had no clue if she would ever recognize her again. "And you," Jack said turning to Chase as he placed his BLT on the table and wiped his mouth with a napkin."I was looking after her. I wasn't going to let this sickness attack her and make her go through it on her own. I wanted be there for her. I don't care if in the next week I am Ill and can barely move. The main point is I looked after Em and that's all that really matters in life."Emilia checked her phone too see that she had 4 missed messages ."I need to go to the washrooms. I will be back," Emilia said getting up and brushing the crumbs that had fallen into the napkin onto her plate, before walking to the washroom.Emilia happened to pull her phone out to check the time. She wasn't going to be rude and pull her phone out in front of her friends as she didn't like being anti-social like that. When she was with her friends she was with her friends. When she was alone then she was allowed to pull out her phone. Emilia just felt as if she was being rude when she was on her phone with her friends.Emilia looked down to see she had four missed messages all from the same number. The number.

"You have one more chance, one more or she gets it if you hurt my best friend I hurt yours""I am warning you if you dare hurt them you wont be the one to pay the price but your darling little sister will be the one two pay the price""You better sleep with both eyes and ears open, no-one is safe"."I swear if you go to the local authorities, she will die"

Emilia felt a lump form in her throat with the nerves starting to form. This was becoming all too much and she couldn't really do much about it. I mean if the attacker wasn't threatening to kill Addison if she went to the police then yes maybe she would've told the police by now."Hey I am really sorry but my mum just called and I have to go home as my grandparents are coming home so sorry. Chase still able to give me a ride?" Emilia asked looking at Chase hoping that only he was able to read her eyes."Sure," Chase said after a few seconds clicking as to what was going on."Lets go," Emilia said walking past the counter and handing the money over to Becky. - page break-"You okay?" Chase asked as they entered the car."Nope they are texting again and this time the treats are repetitive and quite scary really," Emilia said as Chase pulled out into the night air."Why what have they texted, Em? You need to go to the police this is not fair on you having to get all these texts," Chase said as they pulled into Emilia's driveway."They said that I need to sleep with one eye open or else, and really I am so scared that something bad is going to happen.""Please don't think like this. She will be fine. We just need to monitor this situation, and hope that either they stop with the death threats or they are caught by the cops. I mean don't parks these days have like security footage running?" Chase said with wide eyes as he realised that they may in fact be close to finding out who this attacker is."Chase! You are a genius," Emilia said, and in the moment threw herself at Chase and placed her lips on his."Sorry," Emilia said once she realised what she in fact had done."Its fine," Chase said leaning in, and the pair connected for their second kiss."...and yes," Emilia said looking down at the ground and smiling."Yes...?" Chase said."Yes I will be your girlfriend." Emilia said as her and Chase stood on the front porch. - page break-"Emilia," a voice called out once she had entered the house and was about to turn the lights on.\

So previous clue's are (if you want me to make a chapter with clues let me know, what ever is easier for the readers is easier for me to do)

1"Hahaha. Addison got what was coming to her you know. No-one messes with me and your sister got in the way."

2 - "Next time she wont be so lucky."-

3- I am warning you if you hurt them, she will pay the price

4 - This is your finally warning if you hurt her, Addison will pay the price

5 - She may be fine now but she wont be fine if I have any thing to do with it

6 - "You have one more chance, one more or she gets it if you hurt my best friend I hurt yours'

7 "I am warning you if you dare hurt them you wont be the one to pay the price but your darling little sister will be the one two pay the price

"8"You better sleep with both eyes and ears open, no-one is safe".9 "I swear if you go to the local authorities, she will die"

I also wanted to say that yes there are hidden clues in the chapters which I wont be revealing but they will be there for extra clues to work out who the attacker is.Thank you so so much for reading it actually means so much to me. More than you probably will know. Leave a comment or vote if you would like but you don't have to. I will update in a few days. Who do you think the voice is? And what thing did you enjoy most about this chapter? I will be posting the competition next couple chapters once I work out what the best way to do it is, as I have 3 different ways that it could work. Anyway have a great week and I will update soon.Thanks Em

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