~ chapter two ~

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Emilia walked into her last class of the day. history. and flopped down on the desk pulling out a blank notebook, ready to take notes. She was over the day and couldn't wait for it too end. Not once did Madison stop talking about seeing colours.  Emilia isn't usually your jealous type, but she started getting incredibly jealous by the time lunch came, all she wanted was to see colours.

"Now class if you turn you texts books to page 100 , you will read about the first person to ever see colour, as well as the history of seeing colour. Now read in silence to the end of class." Emilia sighed. Could this day get any worse, she thought to herself. She heard a squeal from behind her she turned around to see Madison and Jack squealing with delight as they were finally able to learn the history, well, it more in depth since their new discovery they had discovered in the past few weeks.

Emilia sighed as she saw most of her class happy. You see Emilia was starting to feel, like everyone around her had already seen the beautiful colours of the world, seen the morning sky as the sun finally rose welcoming in a new day, That was the one thing she was looking forward to.

As she was reading she was suddenly intrigued about the first person to see colour the first person who saw colour, you see they where not exactly the most popular person on earth, and didn't entirely have many friends, however her soul-mate had died before his story could be documented.

Emilia was surprised. I mean sure, she had always known the basics of the first person to see colour I mean, ever since Emilia was five it was knocked hard into her, however she hadn't always known about the background history of this person.

Emilia was in awe and didn't realise that time had flown by, before she knew it time for her to go home. She said a quick bye to Madison before rushing out the door. She was so grateful that the day was finally over, and hoped the next day wouldn't come too fast. Before she knew it she was home.

"Melia", Three year old Addison said carefully hoping down from the counter and running towards her big sister before ingolfing her in a giant hug
"I missed you", Addison said as Emilia picked her up of the ground.
"I missed you too," she said bopping Addison on the nose, before placing Addison back down on the ground.
"Good you're home," Emilia's mother said as she walked through the door of the lounge.
"How was school?" Her mother asked as she sat down on the couch.
"Terrible. Madison's back from summer camp, with a new boyfriend , named Jake, and all day she went on about colours. Colour this, colour that. It drivered me insane. Then we got to history and all we talked about, well read was about the first person to ever see colours", Emilia look at her mum sadly.

"Well, that bad, hopefully tomorrow goes better for you", her mum said as she gave her daughter a side hug.
"Yeah me too", Emilia said looking down at her innocent sister.
"Do you think you could watch Add for me while I go and do a few jobs," Emilia's mother said looking hopeful at Emilia.
"Sure, I would love to spend time with this little chipmunk," Emilia said while tickling Addison's stomach.
"Thanks," Emilia's mother said while picking up the keys and walking out the door.
"Melia," Addison said hoping up on the couch beside Emilia.
"Yes," Emilia said looking down at Addison, smiling at the three year old who still hadn't mastered the pronunciation of her name
"What is seeing colours like?"

So did you like chapter 2. How do you think Emilia is going to react to wee Addison's questions? Well I hope you enjoyed, I'll update soon, if you liked it please comment thanks.

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