Chapter 15

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So before this chapter begins, I want to thank each and everyone of you for helping me get this story to 3K. I know its not much compered to other stories out there, but when I first started I never expected this story to get this far. On the side note this story is almost at the end. I am aiming for 21 chapters so there is 6 more chapters to go, giving you four more chapters to message me if you think you know who the killer is. There is going to be pretty huge clues this chapter. Anyway on with the chapter :).
Emilia sat in the back of Ethan's car nervously, knowing who, well thinking, you know who your younger sister's attacker is can be quite hard. Especially thinking the person could never hurt anyone, not even a fly and even though Emilia had only known him for the past 6 months, she got the wrong impression.

"You sure you want to go through with this Em, I know how 'close' you guys are, and I wouldn't want to jeopardise your friendship at all..." Ethan said turning around and looking at a rather pale Emilia.

"I...I don't know, I don't want to lose her trust," Emilia said looking down at the ground.

"Trust me you won't. If anything you will gain more. What if he hurts her? Trust me it will work out in the long run," Ethan said kissing the top of Emilia's hand.

"I told you, if you told the police someone would pay. Now someone close to you will pay the price for your stupid mistake," Emilia read the text.

"No no no. He better not hurt her," Emilia said starting to panic that doing what was right would actually damage her in the end.

"What if he is going to hurt Addison, or even ..." Emilia said starting to cry.

"It's fine Em. The police have put a tracker on your phone and will be getting any mysterious texts from this guy. They will be able to work out their location and get Addison before anything happens."

Emilia was snapped out of her own thoughts by the sounds of several sirens rushing down the street.

Emilia looked out the window to see half a dozen police cars roaring down the road.

"You think they are going for her?" Emilia asked bringing her knees up to her chin, knowing maybe just maybe, if she didn't ignore her that one day when she was feeling at her worst, then none of this would be happening and it wouldn't be her fault that her younger sister could be hanging in a life or death situation.

Emilia was snapped out of her thoughts to her phone going off.

"Nice ring tone," Ethan said poking his tounge out at his younger sister who had the world's worst and most embarrassing ring tone.

"Haha. Very funny," Emilia said returning the favour and picking up the phone.

"Hello", Emilia said picking up the phone, seeing it was from Chase.

"Emilia. It's Chase. Evolet is gone," Chase said hyperventilating. Emilia went silent, now knowing he wasn't just targeting her, he was also targeting Chase.

"Chase, you need to inform the cops. I think they are now after your family as well as my own, and I know who did it," Emilia said trying to reassure Chase that everything was going to be okay, which was hard. After all, he did lose his other sister not that long ago, so knowing that his only other sibling's life was hanging in the balance must be terrible.

"Would you like a cuppa tea or coffee," Emilia said grabbing a mug for herself and looking around at Chase who was smiling widely.

"White coffee. (Coffee with milk. My dad says this all the time but never heard anyone actually say it other than him) With two sugars," Chase said getting up to help Emilia.

"Sit back down it's fine," Emilia said trying to think of ways to help Chase, like he had helped her when she first found out someone was out to attack her, and was doing so via Addison.

"Wait. Do I happen to know this person?" Chase asked as Emilia sat down and handed him his coffee, as bits and pieces of the puzzle finally connected together, and many of the signs added up to this person being the Attacker.

"Yup and I can't believe it was him," Emilia said looking down at her phone as her phone bleeped.

"You have 24 more hours to be nice to her, now that you know who I am and who I am referring to. Otherwise both Addison and Evolet will pay the ultimate sacrifice."

"I guess two .. well three can play at this game," Chase said getting rather annoyed at who the actually attacker was.

Thanks so much for reading, I really appreciate it. If you could vote and comment it would be nice, however don't feel obligated to do so. If you want to message me who you think did it you can :)

Have a nice weekend and I will try to update soon.

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