Act One

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Day 1

I run and run and run. I have no idea how long I have been running for,nor do I have any idea where I am now.All I know is that I am currently in an unfamiliar part of Ergastulum. Well at least to me.

I decide to stop and catch my breath. I lean on a building wall as I brush the dirt off my face and fix my hair,slowly regaining my energy.

I inspect my surroundings. I see people walking everywhere,eating in fancy restaurants,greeting each other,buying stuffs in shops.Everyone seems to be in a carefree mode.

And then I notice a darker part of this place.Illegal acts are happening in shadowed alleys. All these make me think back about my district, then it occurs to me that I am no longer in District 3.

I pretend not to notice anything in particular and walk on,just like what most of the others are doing. Neglecting bad elements around and carry on with their daily routines.

This what Ergastulum really is.As if hiding an ugly scar with heavy makeup.

I decide to walk in a dark alley away from the main street and away from the crowd,mainly because I don't feel comfortable walking with so many people around me. "It's okay,"I tell myself.

"What if people here are different? Maybe they won't really treat you like a monster."


I fall and land on my bottom. "Ow..," I manage to say as I rub my elbow which are bruised from the fall.I got so clouded in my own thoughts that I didn't realise I walked straight into someone. I look up to get a good look at the person who knocked me down.

To my horror,I see a large bulky dark-skinned man,glaring sharply back at me with his large black eyes.

"What's the idea,punk?!"he yells in an angry tone,his loud voice echoes.My body instantly goes numb. "I-I'm sorry,I wasn't looking-," I don't get to finish my sentence before he interrupts.

"Don't try to give me that bullshit,kid! I don't care how old you are or what your fucking gender is! You pissed me off,now you are gonna pay!"

He grabs my shirt and pulls me to my feet. My dog tags swing from my neck."What's this? A Twilight!? Now I am more pissed than ever!"he ends with a laugh.He has his other fist high up in the air,ready to strike me down.

I close my eyes and hope for the best. It's my fault in the first place. Being so self-conscious because of my status as a Twilight.If only I wasn't born as one...

Suddenly,he lets go and I fall to my knees. Strangely, I don't feel pain anywhere. I slowly open my eyes. The large man is lying unconscious on the ground.

Now I'm confused. I look around for signs of anyone. I face up the sky and catches a glimpse of a man peering down from the roof. I can't make out his facial expression. All I can see is that the mysterious man has black hair spiked up.A moment later,he vanishes.

I don't know who he was,but he definitely saved me and I am grateful for that. I get up on my feet and continue walking. I don't know where,but I'm hoping to find shelter before night time.


It's raining and I am shivering badly.All I'm wearing is a piece of thin shirt underneath my cotton jacket.I sniff in my mucus and put my hoodie up. It's already dark. I am sleepy and I am hungry. I can't go on any longer. My visions are swimming.My legs are wobbly. I struggle to keep them straight. A few seconds later all I see is pitch black as my head hits the ground.


"Nic--brought--twilight--room-." I wake up to the sound of a man speaking,but can't make out his exact words. I feel something soft under me and realise it's a bed.I am now in a small room and I notice many explicit posters on the wall. I look away in disgust.

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