A/N: Info

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While you guys wait for a new chapter,why don't we get to know Elizabeth a little more shall we ?^_^

Full name: Elizabeth Harper
Age: Presumed 14
Height: 150cm
Weight: 42kg
Affiliation: Benriya
Ideal VA: Mariya Ise

Elizabeth or Lizzy,is a young girl who was rescued by Benriya and currently works with them.

Lizzy has mid-length auburn hair that she keeps in a high ponytail and emerald green eyes. She usually wears a black t-shirt,baggy trousers and military boots.

Being in her early teens,she is curious and energetic but easily frustrated at times. Though she finds the training with Nic difficult,she is determined to improve herself. She tries to be helpful around the office and isn't afraid to ask for help.

She holds a high amount of respect for him. Elizabeth sees him as a big brother and they share a brother-sister relationship,just like Nic and Nina.

Lizzy finds it easy to open up to him and does not mind the fact that he is a gigolo,sometimes asking him about his work. Worick is the person Lizzy refers to the most when she needs something.

They share a complicated relationship. Due to Nic's silent nature,she tends to stay out of his way. When they do interact,Lizzy gets anxious as she feels that she is a burden to him. Because of this,Lizzy often tries her best to impress Nic during training and missions.

Despite Nic's behaviour towards her,they do care about each other,albeit,indirectly. Nic acknowledges Lizzy's bravery and Lizzy admires Nic's skills. Nic is also protective of her.

Although not as great as Nic,she does display a great amount of skill in swordsmanship and parkour thanks to Nic's training.

She is a bit faster than Nic due to her size and weight but she can also be clumsy and is slow at reading movements.

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