Act Four

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It's been half an hour since Worick and Nic left the clinic,and so far no one else has entered. It's beginning to feel really awkward being left alone with two people I just knew.

I try to focus on memorizing the meaning of each signs but I keep forgetting them every five minutes or so.

At this point I start thinking whether or not it's worth asking Nic and Worick to train me. After all,Twilights can live as long as they don't get to the bad side of Normals. But then again,Twilight killings are so common in Ergastulum.

I don't want to die.

" you need anything?" a little voice comes up from behind,startling me. I turn around to see Nina looking worried. "You look..disturbed."

"Oh no no no,I'm fine!" I say nervously and turn my back to face her. I scan my surroundings. Dr. Theo is nowhere to be seen.

"S-sorry if I interrupted your learning," she apologizes,bowing down slightly. "Uh,it's nothing really," I reassure. If anything,I should be thankful to her for snapping me out of it before I get too carried away.

She reverts back to her original position,facing me. "Well,anything I can get you?" Nina asks politely. "I'm good,really-" I pause,remembering the fact that she knows sign language to communicate with Nic. Maybe she can help me. I clear my throat and fix my eyes on Nina. She seems confused but looks ready to listen.

"Could you me..," my voices trails off and there's an awkward silence between us for a brief second. I'm too embarrassed to ask someone younger for help. Eventually I give up talking and show her the book,which I had been hiding behind me.

"Oh! You want me to help you with sign language,don't you?" "Yes!" I nod. Nina grabs my shoulders to calm me down,giggling in process. The atmosphere is definitely brighter now.

"Sure! Why didn't you say so?" she sits on one of the beds and ushers me to sit next to her. I obey. It feels a bit weird being asked around by someone younger but I can tell that Nina really wants to help. I have a feeling that we'll be good friends.


"You're only 11!?" I blurt out. "Actually I'll be turning 12 soon. So we're not that far apart I guess." "Damn,and to think you have more knowledge in these things than me."

It's nearly two hours since Worick and Nic left me.As for now,we are taking a short break to get to know each other more. She has helped me in everything I need to know and I'm starting to get better in this language.

"Oh yeah,where's the doctor?" I ask. "I think he's resting in his room. We don't get much patients these days," she replies.

"And if you do?" "I can handle simple medical procedures. I'm a nurse in training." "Wow,you must be pretty intelligent."

"How about you? What do you aspire to be?" she asks. I feel like she just asked me an odd question,but I can tell she's looking forward to an answer judging by the look on her blue eyes.

"Well..I want to be..someone who is looked up to,you know?" "So like a leader?" "Not necessarily. More like Nic and Worick. A lot of people fear them for sure,but there are also people who look up to them. Like us."

Nina looks bewildered for a moment but then her lips flashes a smile. "Was that too cheesy?" I ask rhetorically. "No,not at all. I think it's awesome! And I really have high hopes for you!" she exclaims. She takes one of my hands and holds it close to her chest,grinning. I can't help but to quirk my lips and manage a smile as well. "Me too,Nina. You're going to be the greatest nurse in Ergastulum."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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