Act Three

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I gobble up the last of the waffles and proceed to the entrance door as I wipe my hands on my pants. I hold on the doorknob,looking back at the office to check if I've forgotten something.

"Worick,I'm heading out now!," I yell,hoping Worick heard it. "Sure! Careful out there!" a muffled voiced from inside his room replies.

I swing the door open and rush down the stairs,careful not to trip between steps. I hear the door gently shuts behind me.

I'm outside now. I begin looking around for any signs of Nic. I can't call out to him as I know he won't be able to hear me. I walk to the middle of the street,searching around in despair.

"Nic?" I call out eventually. There's no signs showing he's nearby. I feel like giving up when what feels like a big hand lands on my head from behind.

"Gaah!" I turn around,shocked. Nic is standing behind me,slightly smirking in amusement.

"Where have you been?," I ask. Nic rubs the back of his neck and does a sign language with his left hand. I pucker my lips.

"I'm sorry,I-I don't speak signs," I respond shamefully. Nic signs. He then presses both his palms together, as if saying a prayer. Slowly, he opens them while the pinkie fingers are still attached to each other.

"Book?" I ask,confused. He nods and points up to the window of Benriya. "Table," he says. I finally get it. He wants me to get a book on the office table back up there.

I nod back at him and head back upstairs,not stopping to ask what book and why.


Worick is probably still in his room minding his own business. But then I hear splashes coming from the bathroom. I don't wanna bother him so I continue searching for the book Nic was asking for.

There is only one book on the main table. I pick it up to examine it closer.

Sign Language.


"What do you need this for?" I question Nic,waving the book in front him. He grabs my wrist to stop my movements and then lets go.

"We only have one volume,so take care of it," he admonishes. I gulp and lower my hand. "S-sorry," I apologise.
Nic is about to say something when Worick emerges.

"Heyyy..sorry to interrupt you guys," he scratches his head. Nic gives the usual annoyed look at Worick. I watch them both.

"I was gonna go pick up some Celebre supplies from Dr. Theo," Worick explains. I see his gaze shift to me. "You know what? I think it's time for Nina to have a friend her age," he winks at Nic. "Nina?"

"You'll get to see her if you come with us," Worick invites. I don't think I have any choice if they're both going. And I'm curious to know who Dr. Theo and Nina are.

"Sure!," I beam. Nic raises one finger at Worick followed by a few hand gestures. "Seriously? You have to bring that weapon of yours along?" Worick asks,baffled by his friend's request. Nic gives a quick nod. "Hurry up then."

Nic heads back up through the stairs,disappearing into the darkness.

While waiting for Nic,I decide to ask Worick something. "Worick..why did Nic ask me to bring this?" I show him the book. Worick observes the cover and smiles.

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