Act Two

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Day 2

I wake up to find myself lying down on the cozy sofa on the office of Benriya. I look around the small room,nearly forgetting that I am now a- self proclaimed- member of Benriya after yesterday.

Today is suppose to be my first day of training. Training to be a stronger Twilight.

"Worick? Nic?," I call out to the two other members of Benriya. Then I remember Nic using sign language yesterday. He could be deaf or mute,but either one he still won't be able to answer me.

Now I am waiting for Worick- wherever he is- to answer me. After a few seconds of silence I decide to go and look for them.

"Where...bathroom...," I mumble to myself as I search for their whereabouts.

I notice a door near the kitchen. I assume that must be the door to the bathroom. I head towards the door and give it a few knocks,just to verify if anyone's inside.

No answer. Positive that no one is inside,I push the door open.

Nic is casually brushing his teeth while facing the mirror. I gasp in embbarassment as he is only wearing a towel to cover his area. Nic doesn't seem to notice at first,but then his eyes slowly meet mine in an awkward way.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't know y-you were h-here..," I stutter between words as I nervously try to apologise. I am aware that he is deaf or mute,but that doesn't change the fact that I just walked in while he's inside.

Nic proceeds to rinse his mouth without saying anything. Then he wipes his face with a face-towel.

So he can't talk then.

"It's fine,go outside and wait for Worick to come back."

I look up,surprised. He just spoke. His speech wasn't exactly clear and some words were distorted,but still understandable. I know now.

He is deaf.

I don't wanna make things more awkward than it already is by asking more questions. So I nod and walk back to the office,closing the door behind me.

As I take my steps,I begin wondering how he was able to understand me if he really is deaf.

Twilights are known for their superhuman abilities.But there must compensations to pay. Maybe he can read lips. And his inability to hear must've been his compensation.

I begin contemplating about my life as a twilight. I still don't know what my compensation is,but I wonder if the death of my family counts as one.

The sound of the entrance door squeaking provokes my thoughts. I look to see Worick entering the office with a plastic bag filled with stuffs in his hand.

"Morning Lizzy!,"he greets in his usual cheerful tone. "M-morning,Worick," I greet back. He puts the plastic bag down on the sofa.

Before I can begin to ask questions,Nic appears from behind me,all dressed in black casual clothing. "Morning Nico!," Worick greets Nic in the same tone he had on me. Nic stays emotionless and does some sign language.

Worick chuckles in response. "Nah,no clients today. It's our day off anyway,so I thought I'd go shopping." "Clients? Shopping?," I ask.

"Ah! Almost forgot!,"he starts searching something inside the plastic bag. He yanks out a piece of clothing. "Black street. Sorry if you don't like it. I'm broke. Hope it fits tho,"he shrugs and grins,throwing the shirt to me,in which I catch just in time.

With a new shirt in my hands,I hadn't realize I am still wearing ragged clothings since yesterday. I unfold the shirt. It's covered in tribal designs. I compare them to my body size.

"Oooohhh um..its a bit baggy. Sorry,but I couldn't-" "This is perfect! Thank you so much!!," I squeal in joy. Worick smiles. "Heh,well I bet you are still growing. How old are you now?"

My smile melts from my face. I don't know. I don't remember my age. The last I was told about my age was a few years ago. And I was 11.


"I'm 14 now,"I decide to say. "Aaahh,just as I thought. Probably you're gonna be taller than Nic over there,"he smirks at Nic who just snorts and rolls his eyes."What are you waiting for? Get changed!"

"Right away!"


I emerge from the bathroom feeling like a whole new person. The shirt is baggy,but it's still comfortable to move around in.

"Whoa! Lizzy,you look different! In a good way of course," Worick compliments,applauding. Nic gives a thumbs-up while still maintaining his poker face.

I respond to both of them with a grin. All of a sudden,Worick begins moving from his current spot and walks towards me."Hmm..something's a bit off..,"he mutters,inspecting me and raising an eyebrow. I throw him a confused look.

"Just a sec." He walks from me to the office table and takes out something from the drawer before heading back to me."Turn around,"he instructs. I comply with his simple request,curious on what he is up to.

I feel locks of my hair being raised by giant hands. I peer at Worick through the corner of my eye. He is gracefully tying up my red hair into a high pony-tail. When he's done he asks me to turn around. I do as told.

"Perfect! Now you look professional!,"he exclaims. "Like me," he adds,grinning and pointing at his own hair which is tied up in a half pony-tail. I whip my hair around.

"Thank you so much!," I say in delight. I hug Worick,which seems to surprise him but then he smiles in amusement and pats my head. I blush slightly and withdraws from him.

I hear the sound of plastic rustling. I peek behind Worick and I see Nic searching something inside the plastic bag. He pulls out a paperbag which is weighted down with something inside.

"Oh!" Worick turns to Nic. "Those are for you and Lizzy. I've had breakfast already." Nic reveals the insides of the paperbags.

Waffles. Heh..funny.

Nic gives out a bewildered look. "Don't like it? Give it to her then," Worick replies. Nic sighs and closes the paperbag.

"Oh yeah,I came across Mr. Monroe and Chad. Told them about the addition of her in our team. Chad-san didn't look too pleased,but long story short,I have authority over her now."


Worick turns back at me. "You know about the three laws for Twilights in this place right?"

I nod. "Can you state them for me?,"he asks.

I try to explain at my best. "Umm,first..Twilights must not hurt humans. Not intentionally. Second is to obey your master and lastly a Twilight must fend for themselves?" I decide to hint a question mark in the end in case I'm wrong.

"Good. To put it simply a Twilight must be contracted to a Normal master. If you're gonna be a part of us,then I have the right to command you and Nic. Got it?"

"Got it."

Worick inhales before he continues. "To be honest,I don't like the word 'order'. So just don't do anything reckless okay?," he reverts back to his warm smile and winks.

My eyes glow in excitement. "Okay!"
As he is about to walk into his room,he looks back at Nic as if he forgot to tell him something.

"You promised to train her right? Do that after you both have had you breakfast," Worick commands. Nic grunts as if he is objecting. "It's an order!," he says loudly before shutting himself in his room. Nic sticks his tongue out at his front door.

I smile nervously. So much for disliking the word 'order'. Nic turns to look at me with what I assume to be an annoyed look.

He tosses me the paperbag of waffles and I catch it inches away from my face. "I'll be waiting outside. Don't come unless you've eaten." Those were his last words before heading out.

And now I'm alone in this office with a bag of warm waffles.


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