Jay x Reader

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Aieeeeeeee! This girl is back! And is on FIAYHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Okay on with this....
You were in the living room trying to avoid a certain someone....

And by that I mean Jay, he recently started to hang out with Nya, and you could tell he looked happy, but you have a gigantic crunch on the blue ninja, that it hurt you to see him with Nya.

You thought of this as you flipped through your magazine, seeing celebrity couples, and regular couples in the pages.........

Why are you taunting me magazine!

You think to yourself as you throw the magazine at the door,

"Geez!" You hear someone yell, you look up to see Kai.
"Hey, sorry bout that" you say getting up.

"The guys and Nya wanted to know if you wanted to play seven minutes in heaven with us?" Kai says,
"Sure, I don't have anything better to do anyways" you say as you follow Kai into a room, where everyone was sitting in a circle.

"Pick something!" Exclaims Lloyd.

You sigh as you place your hand in the box, rummaging your hand until you pull out....

"A screwdriver?" You say confused,
Jay looks up to meet your face, your eyes widened in realization.

"Seven minutes you two!" Lloyd and Kai say pushing you and Jay into the closet.
Your cheeks flushed red as you were only inches away from your crush,

Even though it was pretty dark, you could see Jay blushing...

Why is he blushing? You think to yourself and gather the courage to ask him.

"Jay? Why are you blushing?" You ask, and it seemed that Jay blushed even more at your question.

"I-it's, just that I-i like you" he says stuttering.

Your face flushed as well as you noticed he just confessed up.

"You like me?" You say surprised.
"Of course, I was only hanging out with Nya so I could get your attention, your really pretty, and I thought that a girl like you would never go for an ordinary guy like me, that's why I did that" he says looking down.

"But, Jay....." You say.

"I get it if you don't like- mmmpffff" you couldn't resist it anymore, but you crashed your lips onto his.
He took no time kissing back. Your lips moved in sync, as slight moans escaped from you as he stuck his tongue into your mouth without any permission, exploring every inch of your wet cave, your left hand running though his hair, as well as pulling him as close as you could. And his one arm at your waist pulling you in closer, and the other on the wall for support.
Just as things were about to get even more heated up in that closet, the door bolted open.

Zane was wide eyed, as his poor innocence was ripped away at the sight of you and Jay's heated make out session.
"I'm just gonna....." He says leaving, you two pull apart, blushing furiously as Zane runs out of the room, leaving the rest confused, your two walk out holding hands, slight tints of pink across your cheeks as you sit back down together,
Nya giving you a slight glare, but you didn't care because you had Jay now, and that's all that mattered.......
I updated!!!! Whoop whoop!

In between?


❤️Ninjago: 7 Minutes In Heaven❤️ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now