Chapter 8.

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"No!" Dad furiously yelled, "You cannot see him anymore, if I have to switch your schooling, I will. I may even send you to live with Grandma and Grandpa!" Dad screamed while I silently sobbed. "But dad, his mom is the asshole who hurt you, not him" I silently whispered. "That's the God damn reason why he can't be your boyfriend. He cannot be any better than that bitch, say something Jessica! This is exactly why I didn't want to let you date" Dad dangerously glared at me. "Dad, you fucked another woman while telling mom you loved her, that's extremely immature. So who do you think you are telling me who I can and cannot see?" I yelled back after having enough.

My mother looked so shocked, her hand rose to her mouth and it seemed like her words had been ripped out of her throat. "Get out! Go to your room before I..." My dad raised his hand while the blood flushed out his face leaving his whiter than ever. "Complete your damn sentence, before you what dad?! Before you hit your child, don't worry I won't call the cops on you" I swore bitterly. "Fuck you Dad" anger drained out of me as I ran up to my room grabbing a couple of my important keys and I left my room. "If you leave right now Ella, do not bother coming back. If you cannot sit down and have a civilized discussion about this, or know what the hell happened in my life, I do not need that dirty mouth of yours running. Also, do not go to Blue's house, or Jimmy's, or even Trace's because those uncles are given from me. So go live with that filthy bitch and her son and see how they treat you." Dad lectured. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my keys and drove away before that bastard of a dad could follow me.

*Justin's P.O.V*

Did that really just happen? Whoa, I never knew I could be so damn harsh to my own blood, but she should have trusted her father rather than some boy she met 2 days ago. He probably took her virginity while making all these lovely promises, that's what we all do. We score game that way, I used it on Jess as well, but I mean I did fall in love with her.

"Babe, she was right about one thing, you never did say sorry for telling me you loved me while you were having it with another woman" Jess came in with her eyes all bulged and red. I got up hugged her and brought her in to my own embrace. "I'm sorry for everything I did, no matter what I say or do will never take away the fact that I had slept with another woman and told you, that I loved you. It was unfair, and I know you can bring that up at any point of our lives, but don't you think we should leave that behind now. I have taken a vow to not touch another woman ever in my life." I kissed her cheek while I rubbed her back. "I know Justin, but she's our baby. We really cannot leave in the hands of Britney. You know she'll turn her away from us. Justin she's the one who brought us back together. She's our everything, please Justin" Jess began to sob again. I nodded while dug my face in to the crook of her neck. "I know honey, but she needs a bit time away, while I need time to breathe and get this all together." I sighed. We sat in that position for an hour before our twins knocked on the door. "Uh mom, we found a" they stopped. "Never mind, how are you two? Should we talk to Ella?" Aidan our beautiful son spoke. "Honey, I think she needs time alone, but you go to the same high school. How is that guy?" I said quickly.

Jess looked up at me confused, and so did my beautiful children. "I mean she is spending the night with him, I want to know how he is." I said nervously. They chuckled at my expressions. "Daddy, he's a really sweet boy. He's nothing like Britney. He really just moved here to his mom's place he's lived with his dad. You know his father, you're good friends" Nadia said quickly. I nodded and gave them both 200 bucks to go out to the movies or something. They nodded and took the car keys, they both just learned how to drive and of course I bought them both their individual cars. Perks of being a billionaire, I chuckled to myself. I went up to my bedroom and Jess was just sitting there. "Honey, how about some stress removal medicine" I said while taking off my shirt. "No Justin, our baby is out there" she says. "Hey, she's out there by choice." I said walking over while taking off her shirt and placing soft tiny kisses down her neck. She groans in pleasure and starts playing with my belt.

*Ella's P.O.V*

I kept driving until I reached an abandoned park that my friends and I go to I saw 6 missed calls from Sean so I dialled him "Hey Sean baby can I sleep over for a couple days?" I said suddenly. I could hear his breathe, and it quieted down. "At my place?" Sean says quietly. "Yeah, where else? You've told your mom right?" I asked sadly. "Baby, I did tell her, but she threatened to kick me out if I even met you again." He said sadly. "I didn't think you would call even, I thought your dad would have killed you by now" he spoke. "I'm not at my house, I have nowhere to go Sean." I said sadly. "Daddy kicked me out, because I spoke rudely to him about him fucking other women." I said sounding defeated. "No don't worry baby my dad has an apartment here. Text me the address to where you are, and I'll take you to the apartment and I'll stay there with you there, until we find solution to this. Sound good?" he said generously. "Yes, I'll send you the texts. I love you baby." I said. He hung up the phone before I could even complete my sentence. He really did care for me, many guys would just ditch.

*20 minutes later*

Sean still hadn't had arrived, I was getting a tad bit worried now. I saw two muscular men walk towards me. "Hey gorgeous, aren't you pretty boy's daughter." The guy said taking off his belt. I got up to go towards my car. The guy ran after me and pinned me down and removed his pants. "It'll be breaking news that I took pretty boy's daughter's virginity." He said entering me. I screamed in pain until after he started thrusting harder and harder. I was crying extremely until I felt the guy being pulled off of me and a warm soft sweater put on my abdomen that was hurting badly. Sean punched the guy and he nearly killed the guy and smashed the guy with the camera's head on the ground. He picked me up and took me to my car. "I took a cab so we could drive in one car" he whispered silently. I was still crying and nodding. I dug my face in his shirt. "Baby, it's okay. We'll pretend that you're still a virgin and when time is right. I'll take that from you. Not that jackass. No one needs to know ever he said kissing me softly, I nodded before I fell asleep in the car.

I woke up to an extremely soft bed with a shirtless Sean cuddling me. I remembered everything which made everything worse. But what did make it better was that the guy did not come, so I cannot be pregnant. I cuddled back to Sean and gave a kiss on his chest. He snored a little and I laughed quietly. "I made some breakfast, I only fell asleep now. I couldn't sleep all night. I'm sorry I was late" Sean woke up and looked at me. I cried a little and nodded before going on top of him and kissing him.

*2 weeks later*

"Tonight, will be the special night" I said grinning at Blue. We have been waiting for a good time for me to be ready again. "Have you parents contacted?" Blue said ignoring everything else. "They did but I ignored, I do need to go home in a couple days to get a couple more of my stuff" I said. "You need to go home, Ella even if Sean is beautiful" she said chuckling.

*Hours later*

There were roses everywhere, and the bed sheet was silk and perfect. Sean was lying on the bed naked with a bottle of champagne. I got up to him and straddled him while kissing him. He made everything perfect, it felt so right, it felt good. All I remember is falling asleep after our lovely night in his arms.

*Another couple weeks later*

*Justin's P.O.V*

"Mom dad, we thought it was a once, but are you pregnant mom? Because we a pregnancy test with positive results yesterday and the day Ella left," Aidan and Nadia said. I looked at Jess and she looked down. "Guilty as charged" she said silently. I looked at Aidan and Nadia and they both scattered off. "When were you going to tell me?" I said. "Today actually but honey one of them is not mine. I only tested the day Ella left."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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