Chapter 2.

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Just Can't Crack Your Code Chapter 2:

*Justin's P.O.V*

The past week has been hell, I sometimes wish that these children never existed. After those pictures I posted online the Internet had gone wild.

Why couldn't people just accept the fact we had two more children added in to our family. Why did it matter whose kids they truly were? The media had placed such nasty accusations upon Jess and I.

I didn't know how to remove them with out telling them that they're my kids.

"Justin stop worrying about the rumours" Jess said while sitting on my lap. "But I.." I started to say she cut me off by placing her soft plump lips on to mine. "They're our children. Stop wishing they didn't exist. They're family now" Jess whispered dangerously. I nodded and dug my head in to her shoulder.

"I just hate those accusations they place on you. I could care less about myself" I admitted honestly.

"But babe I don't care about them so nor should you" she said running her hands through my hair.

"Okay" I whispered softly.

"Daddy! Aidan is pulling my hair" I heard Ella shriek from the other side of the room. Nadia sat there innocently eating lucky charm cereal.

"Ugh why can't Ella and Aidan be like Nadia" Jess groaned while shifting off my lap to the children. I laughed and went over and sat with Nadia. "Because one baby has to be normal. Nadia's on you and the other two are like me. Justin juniors" I grinned.

"No you will not teach my children your ways" Jess glared at me. I nodded quickly while playing peek-a-boo with Nadia.

Our family was complete to be very honest, and I wanted to take another picture.

"Go ahead take it" Jess said as if she could read my mind.

"Wow.." Was all I could manage to say. I snapped a picture and captioned it as "Bae playing with OUR children" I wrote emphasizing on the word 'Our' afterwards we decided to go out with the kids for ice cream.


As Jess and I lied in bed together, I thought of another brilliant idea. "Babe! I have to get more tattoos!" I exclaimed causing Jess to jump. "You scared me!" She said slapping my arm. "No but since I have two more children it's only fair I get them tattooed on myself as well" I explained. Her eyes glistened with excitement. "Oh my God! Yes! Do it!" She said happily.

"And Justin you know that family picture we took at the dinner?" Jess asked excitedly. I nodded and turned on to my side to face her. "Yeah what about it?" I asked staring in to her eyes. "We should replace the picture above our bed with that one!" Jess said smiling softly. I nodded and drawled her in closer to my chest. "Sounds great beautiful" I whispered while softly nibbling on her earlobe.

"Thank you" I whispered before she dozed off. I loved how she was handling this so peacefully. I really felt like a terrible man. I don't deserve someone so perfect like Jess. I softly sighed while flicking my table light off.

I slightly got out of bed and snuck off to the twins room. They shared a room while Ella slept alone. I walked in and Aidan and Nadia were silently sleeping. I sat down on the massive rocking chair in the chair with both Nadia and Aidan in my arms. As much as I deny that I don't love them. These children were making their way in to my life. Slowly with each little mischief deed they did. I couldn't deny the fact they were my children.


A couple days later I was relaxing on my couch watching some cartoons with the children. An noise abrupt through the house.

I looked at my children who were mesmerized by the television before heading towards the door. It was most likely Jess she had a movie shoot today.

Precisely as I walked towards the door, I received a terrible feeling in my gut. As I wiped a drop of sweat that was trickling down my forehead I opened the door, to find someone Id never imagine to ever see again.

There stood Aria Traumen, the women whose love was so abusive but addictive. The women I had children with as well.

"Hello Justin." She said, but her voice wasn't the same confident voice.

I was startled by her voice, it shook me back to my conscience.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to say. "I need to explain some things to you" she said calmly but their was a hint of fear apparent in her voice.

"Make it quick. Come in" I said trying to act strong even though her face still churned my stomachs slightly.

As she walked in I saw a brown envelope in her hand. I looked at her confusingly as she looked over and saw Aidan and Nadia. I quickly guided her to the other room.

I didn't want her interfering my children's lives again.

I stared blankly at her while her expressions changed from- calm to painful. "Speak Aria" I said softly. Her jaw clenched before she spoke.

"Let me make this fast. I have cancer and it's last stage. I'm dying and that's why I sent you the kids." Aria said quickly she was on the verge of crying. My mouth dropped and eyes widened. "What do you mean? When?" I stuttered. She collapsed on to my couch.

I sat down beside her "Justin, I realized how much you loved Jess. I knew I had to get out of your life. I knew I was pregnant, I didn't tell you because Id raise them myself, but when I received news about my stomach cancer, I had to send the children to you" she whispered softly. I pulled her close to my chest and listened to her cry in my chest.

I stroked her back while whispering "I'll miss you" she nodded her head. I let go of her to go get her a glass of water. Soon I returned and I helped her drink it. "I left adoption papers at the side. You can give them up Justin. But consider my last wish for my children to grow up with their father" she started crying again.

I put my arm around her and she dug her head in to my shoulder again. "I promise I'll take care of our children." I said kissing her forehead.

"JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE!" I heard someone yell. I jumped back to see Jess staring at me furiously.

"Jess it's not how it looks" I said walking closer to her. She pushed me away and walked out of the house slamming the door.

"I'm sorry Justin, I have always ruined stuff for you" Aria said in a shaky voice.

"No, she interpreted the whole scenario wrong. But take my number, and know if you need anything, please call me." I said softly while hugging her one last time.

She nodded and left the house, I collapsed on to the couch and began to call Jess.

"Leave me alone. I thought you had changed Justin!" I heard Jess cry.

"Jess stop please. Come home, I'll explain everything to you" I whispered, my voice was cracking.

I really couldn't take anything more, I needed her to just understand.

"Justin, I need space right now." I heard Jess finally say.

"Jess fucking stop! Aria has cancer! She brought reports and just to damn justify why she sent the kids!" I yelled furiously. I didn't want to yell at her but sometimes women can just be so annoying. Why can't they just trust their man?

"I don't believe you." She finally said after a break. After hearing this, I had enough. I hung up the phone and chucked it across the room.

My children came waddling in, "Daddy are you okay?" Ella whispered. I nodded and pulled her in to my lap.

"Daddy Daddy!" Aidan and Nadia chanted. I picked them up while Ella held my hand and we walked towards my bedroom.

"Lets watch movies and eat candy" I cheered. Even if Jess didn't want to be with me, I was going to raise these children.

"YAAY Daddy!" They all cheered and jumped on to the bed. We flipped on the tv and ate popcorn while watching movies.


A/N: It's so short I know. But honestly I'm having writers block with this chapter so it's all I'm going to write.

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