Chapter 4

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Just Can’t Crack Your Code 

*Justin's P.O.V*

At last, the clock ticked midnight; I had been restless from the past couple of hours. I knew I had to stay away from the house, being near Aria was killing me from the inside. I just knew I’d ask her why she left, I wanted questions. These thoughts kept making me feel guilty, especially whenever I looked at Jess. Although, I knew that Aria was slowly passing her soul to another world, perhaps a better one.

       “Justin, you’re still awake” I heard Jess mumble and flicking her bedside light on. I turned on to my side to face her. “Yeah, just thinking about everything that’s been happening” I whispered truthfully. She rubbed her tired eyes and sat up, leaning her head on the backboard she held on to my hand. “What’s wrong dear?” she said with purity and concern in her voice. “I don’t know if I can contain questions that roam within my head. I’m over Aria and I mean that, there’s nothing in my heart for her but care.” I said softly without breaking eye contact. I wanted her to know that I wasn’t lying and that’s the truth. “Why is that so upsetting? I think it’d be great, if you talked to her.” Jess smiled tiredly. She had a tiring day, with work and then the children.

      I looked at her astonished “Are you even human? You’re like a fucking angel” I laughed. She giggled and pressed her lips on to my lips. “Yes, I’m pretty much human. Do you want to be the judge of that?” She winked. I nodded quickly and pushed her over, “Let me see how much human you are” I laughed and kissed her while rolling above her and biting her neck softly. “I love you” I whispered.

*The Next Morning*

I sat across from Aria at the table and Jess sat beside me. “Aria I’d like to speak to you later on” I said while shoving a forkful of eggs down my throat. “Justin slow down on the food. It’s not running away” Jess laughed while Aria eyed me curiously. “Well, I’m hungry. You kept me up all night” I laughed while Jess blushed heavily. Aria looked slightly uncomfortable with the topic, so I changed the topic, “Alright Aria, we all are going to Disney land with the children tomorrow” I said on the spot. I had no intentions of going but I needed to distract myself especially in the last 20 days of her life. I wanted to do top 20 things she wanted to do in her life. She had always talked about taking her children to Disney land in the future.

“We are?” Jess looked shocked, I looked over and nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t get the time to tell you earlier, and it was supposed to be a surprise but I want you to get ready” I laughed. Aria looked at me in amazement and nodded. The rest of breakfast was fairly quiet, everyone was too busy shoving food down their throats. Ella was with my parents, while Aidan and Nadia were with Jimmy and Nancy. They wanted to spend time with their “Godtwins” as Jimmy calls it.

“Aria, follow me” I said right after she was done eating. I looked over to Jess and she nodded at me while smiling. She called our maid and removed the plates from the island, while Aria followed me to the basement.

“So Justin, what do you want to talk about?” she said awkwardly while taking a seat in the bean bag infront of me. Her hair was already gone, I loved her beautiful long hair, she also was drained out of energy a lot faster than usual.

“Us, our past, I want everything to be put behind, so we can enjoy ourselves peacefully” I said smiling broadly. She gave me a weak smile and nodded her head “sounds like a great idea” She said softly.

“Why’d you leave?” I spoke bluntly. It had hurt me so badly when I woke up to an empty bed. My world had shattered. “Justin I saw the way you looked at Jess, I knew you’d never love me the way you loved her. I knew about your child with her and I knew that Ella would need you at every step of her life.” She said calmly.

“What about our children? You didn’t think twice about them. Don’t you think they needed me as well?” I whispered with pain evident in my voice. “They did, but I thought I’d be able to raise them on my own. I was doing great up until... I found out about my” She was unable to continue on. I nodded and placed my hand on her hand to provide her with some comfort.

“What about me? I loved you; I still love you as a person. You didn’t think it’d shatter me if I woke up to a cold empty bed?” I said so quietly that it was barely audible to my own ears.

“Take off your shirt please” She said quietly. I looked at her confused but did as she said. She ran her hand over the scars at my lower back and faded away scars that engraved my body. “You see these Justin? I would’ve never stopped. I knew I was going good, but knowing that I did that to you, would kill me every single time? How the hell would you want to live with someone like me?” She said almost crying now. I grabbed my shirt and put it back on while getting her a tissue.

“If I fell in love with the evil Aria and promised to take care of you, I would’ve done that. You should’ve believed me. We would’ve fought through this together. Your disease, the children, our issues, everything” I said a bit harshly.

“I believed you, I never once doubted you. I stole you from Jess, I continued making drama so you wouldn’t go back to her. I ruined your relationship and this is the karma I received” She said upset. I nodded and realized where she was coming from.

“Alright, Justin, what are you going to do about the children?” She said sadly. I thought about it for a second, and made up my mind. “I’ll keep them until... you know” I whispered sadly. She wiped a tear and nodded. “Fair enough, Its your decision” she commented. I nodded and discussed with her how during her last 20 days, we were going to do things we’ve never done before.

*Later that afternoon*

“Justin, I was coming down to check up on you two, and I heard what you said about the children” I saw Jess looking at my furiously. “They are your mistake. Therefore, you should grow up and take responsibility Justin!” Jess spat in my face. I looked down to the ground “I don’t want to take responsibility of them” I said softly. “Ella is enough” I said looking down at the ground.

“You sicken me Justin, you didn’t think twice before impregnating Aria, now you shouldn’t think twice about your children. Your blood, your DNA, you didn’t think twice before Ella. What’s happened to you?” Jess said sadly before walking away leaving me all alone and lost in my thoughts again.

A/N: I’m a terrible person, I know it. But can we all take a minute and discuss how annoying school is? It takes up so much of my time that I get so tired afterwards that I can barely write. And for those of you who read my student teacher, I will probably be updating tomorrow or the day after. QOTD: Do you like Justin being a bit evil towards his children? Take care my people. 

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