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I loved today. Spending time with my fit finance, she is so pretty and caring. We had a candle lit picnic on heartrush Island. I knew she had never been in there and I wanted to surprise her. Me and Jack are now really close to our girls as they are pregnant. Yea it might only be two months into their pregnancy but still. Come on something could go wrong. As we walked into our house we heard a laugh with what sounded like it came from a female in the kitchen... Punzie. Who else would laugh like that. I could see Mer's face redden with anger and her eyes narrow. I held her hand and interwined my fingers into her hand but she didn't do it back. Toothless had already gone to his, Anguses, Pascals, and Merricups room (meridia's night fury.) it is a massive room filled with endless fish and a mini waterfall. It also has a endless supply of apples for Angus and endless grapes for pascal. Sometimes I catch Mer in there taking some of Anguses apples. She really loves red apples and just can't get away from them. Going back to the kitchen I got dragged into the room only to find Jack kissing Punzies neck. I took that opportunity to try and leave but Mer kept a tight grip on my wrist. She ran over to Jack and started pushing him I quickly ran in front of her and managed to get her out of the kitchen. As soon as we got back into the hall I cupped her face with both of my hands and made her look at me. I told her to calm down and that I love her and she said it back, I gave her a quick kiss and then she went up the stairs to our room. I walked back into the kitchen to find Punz cooking dinner and Jack with his arms around her waist, biting her ear softly. I just walked back out and Punz saw me and said that dinner was going to be ready later on. I replied with ok and then went up stairs to find my girl.

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