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Me and Mer are having a girls day today. We love the boys and all but they are always there and sometimes we just like to have a bit of girl time. Me and Mer became Mrs. Haddock and Mrs. Frost last month and we both looked stunning. The boys didn't look bad either. Jack was wearing a pale blue suit with snowflakes on his cuffs. He had white shoes on and he looked hot. I mean my husband (oh I love that word.. Husband) looked smart. Any way we did each others hair. I managed to brush Mer hair, and the both of us managed to brush mine. My hair is now at my waist and it is staying there. It hasn't grown in three years so I think it is staying there forever now. Which is good. I don't think I could live with my hair like that again. I was in the middle of doing Mer's makeup when my child decided that he/she was going to move and I let out a normal yelp. It happens a lot and Mer didn't do anything, she knew it was a kick and just came over and had a smile on her face. She knew it wasn't anything serious. Suddenly the boys came bursting through the door asking both me and Mer questions and panicking and we shouted at them to calm down but they said 'what's going on who's hurt' 'who should I call, midwife or hospital?' And Mer calmed down Hic by holding his wrist and slapping his upper arm which calmed him down and he sat down next to her rubbing his arm. Meanwhile I calmed Jack down by cupping his face with both of my hands and kissed him. That ought to do it, I thought. Jack sat down next to me. He said 'if you aren't hurt why did you yelp?' And I just replied with "because this little nipper decided to kick me" whilst rubbing my belly. Our child kicked me again and Jack put his hand on my belly. He felt our baby kick and his face was filled with joy. Mer's child kicked her and she scrunched her eyes and held her belly. Hic looked at her, with a worried face.

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