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Me and Punzie are now married and I couldn't be happier. She looked like the fittest girl ever coming down the isle. She wore a ball gown dress with a sweet heart neckline. Her dress had pink and blue flowers all over it and had her family sun on the torso of her dress. Her neckline was covered with pale blue rindstones. She had a white veil with snowflakes trailing all the way down to the edge.

The girls are wanting me and Hic to leave them alone for a whole day. I mean seriously? A whole day without seeing my Punzie is a day I don't want to live, but she does need some girl time and I couldn't trust her with anyone else then Mer or Hic. We all agreed that me and Hic would go and play video games all day whilst the girls pamper their pretty faces. It's a good thing that the makeup room is next door to the gaming room. Yea our house is really big and we have a room for everything, like everything. Me and Hic took our girls up to the makeup room and we both kissed our wives and then went into our room. The gaming room is definitely our room. We used to go into there everyday until the girls got pregnant and then we all hung out together all the time and we didn't get a chance to play video games. I always take the blue controller and Hic takes the green one. We put in GTA6 and got going. I was completely crushing Hic but he is still pretty good. He may be a computer genius and all but I can still kick his but in video games. I said "I'm gonna kick your ass" as we went onto the next level and Hic replied with 'game on'. The level started and we went started our ass whopping. Hic actually beat me on this level and I was broken but it didn't stop my game.

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