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Mer's face scrunched up and she put her hands on the top and bottom of her bump. I looked up at her on my knees with a worried face and she held my hand and placed it on her bump, the baby kicked my hand. I am so happy that my son or daughter just touched me I can't believe it. I felt our baby kick before but not like that. Me and Jack stayed for about half an hour and then left. We walked out of the room and let out a big breath of relief that none of the girls had gone into labour. We rushed back into our 'bro cave' and started kicking butt again. I won five games and Jack won three ! Haha I win


Once the boys finally left, me and Punz went up to the nursery that Hic and Jack made for our babies. The room is split in two there are two cots and two nappy changing units. There is a giant giraffe that the yetis painted with the help of Punzie. We weren't sure on what else has been done since then so we decided to go and see it. On Hics and my side there is the words sumautumn on it as that is our two seasons put together. Punz and jacks side has wintspring wrote on the wall in old fashioned writing. We love it and the wallpaper is just small drawings of bumble bees. We loved how the babies would love this room. I just love it ! At night time I was in bed smiling down at my bump, picturing a little child that had both me and Hic in him. Hic leaned on the bathroom door frame in his pj trousers but no top, smiling at me. I looked at him and smiled back. He walked over to his side of our bed and snuggled up to me. He wrapped his arm around me and our baby and kissed my shoulder. I bit my bottom lip at how much of a happy family we are.

Big four: bumps, kisses and ringsWhere stories live. Discover now