Chapter Seven:

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Chapter Seven:

Harry's Point of View:


I accidentally swore out loud as I watched her disappear from the coffee shop into the busy streets of New York City with her best friend at her side. 

She didn't look like she had aged a day since the last time I had seen her, many years ago. 

Of course, my first thought was to forget this meeting and go after her. It seemed like a good idea until I realized that I had no idea what I would do when I found her. I had no idea what I would say or if I would even be able to say anything at all. 

We had both long since moved on with our lives. We weren't still hung up on what could have been, or she wasn't at least. She was happy with Niall, or she seemed happy with Niall.

"Was that who I thought that was?" The younger man sitting across from me asked with an amused smirk on his face.

I had agreed to meet with him about starting a possible music career only to be met with someone who reminded me too much of myself. It was like looking at myself ten years ago.

"My older sister was always rooting for the two of you. Said if you two couldn't work it out then who could? But we all know Hollywood relationships never last, especially when they're built on lies to start with." He continued as I continued to stare at the door in hopes that Andy would magically reappear there.

"And that's a world you're sure you want to be a part of? A world where people lie and cheat and use other people just to get ahead?" I asked skeptically. 

I hadn't known at sixteen what I would soon be getting myself into. I didn't know that I would lose myself. I didn't know what it would cost me. But I wasn't sure that if I could go back, if I would change anything. 

"Don't give me that. You messed up your life before you even auditioned for whatever that show was back in the day. You ruined your marriage before you even ever met Andy. You lied and cheated long before you were famous. I don't have a secret love child I'm hiding from the world. I've never cheated on a girlfriend. I'm not even into sleeping around. You made all the wrong choices. I won't." The young man pointed out, and I hated to admit that he had a point.

"So you've got it all figured out. I was nineteen once, and I know that every nineteen year old has done something they're not proud of. Something that they don't want the rest of the world to know about. Something that would break someone's heart if it got out."  I countered, defending myself even though for all I know this kid could have nothing to hide.

Only, he went pale which made me think that I had made him reconsider his earlier words. 

"It's not too late, you know. To go after her. I'm sure we could look online and find her in a matter of minutes." He cleared his throat before changing the subject. 

The only question was did I want to find her? Is it fair for me to look for her after I've left her alone for all this time?

The thought of just showing up at her doorstep with flowers on a random night had occurred to me over and over again. I could just show up out of the blue and tell her that I still love her. Only, seeing pictures of her smiling with Carson and Niall stop me. 

I made her unhappy for so long. I wasn't sure that I could make her happy now, not as happy as he makes her.

"I have a better idea." I decided with a smirk. "Let me show you how the rich and famous party." I chuckled when I saw his eyes widen. 

"But you're old." He deadpanned, and I just rolled my eyes.

I would show him who's old.

After deciding that we would meet outside of a club on the Upper East Side later that night, we parted ways.

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