Chapter 12

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Harry's Point of View:

"We've been avoiding this conversation, but what are we going to do? We've been here so many times. How do we help her help herself? I can't... I can't lose her. I can't come close to losing her again. That's not an option." Louis blurted out, breaking the silence that had fallen over the small break room that they had moved our group into yesterday. 

We were drawing too much attention in the waiting room. We were disturbing the peace. So, they moved us last night.  They gave us some spiel about how we'd be more comfortable. However, I hadn't felt more uncomfortable in my entire life. 

Sitting in a room with all of these people from my past. It was too much. How was I supposed to sit across from Niall and Carson and pretend like anything that is happening is okay. 

"I'm leaving her." Niall admitted, and I'm pretty sure that this is the first time I've heard him speak since he's gotten here. 

"What?" I asked, almost harshly. 

I tried to contain my anger at the bottle blonde, who was still regularly dying his hair. How could he even think about leaving her? 

"If I would have had the courage to leave her a long time ago, she would have been better off. She's with me because she thinks that she owes me something.  Maybe, deep down she loves me, but it's not enough.  It's not enough for her, and it's killing her." He admitted. 

I barely saw Olivia stand up and asking Carson and Arran to go to the cafeteria with her.  They didn't need to hear any of this conversation.  They didn't need to think about their mother this way. I was thankful that Olivia stepped up to get them out of here.

"I love her. I love her and Carson more than anything.  So, I'm doing what's best for her. I'm walking away. I know all of you know, or have figured out by now, that Carson isn't mine biologically.  I know that we have a lot of confusing conversations we have to have and hard decisions to make.  We'll figure it out, but she is my daughter.  I was there the day she was born. I was there the day she took her first steps.  I was there the day she said her first word, and I have been there every day since." He continued, and it was getting harder at me to bit my tongue. 

"I didn't have a choice in whether or not I was there. Andy packed up and moved. She left me and the country.  She didn't want anything to do with me." I argued as calmly as I could. 

"That's where you're wrong, mate.  She wanted everything to do with you." He whispered before walking up and walking right out of the room.

"I think that Andy just needs to be for a little while. I mean, she and Harry were together for a while. For a long time. Then, she jumped straight to Niall.  Before Harry, she was with Kendall.  She loves you, Harry. She always has and she always will, but maybe we should just let her recover." Eleanor piped up. 

I knew that she loved me.  I never doubted for a second that she loved me.  That was always certain.

I also knew that leaving her alone was the worst thing that we could do.  I held her while she cried too many nights to think that she would be better off alone.  She goes to a dark place whenever she's alone. 

"We can all go around in circles about how we got here, but she was good when we were together.  She was happy.  She was safe.  I knew how to talk her down.  I was the one who wiped her tears away.  I can't think that not being in her life is the best thing for her.  I know that it's not the best thing for me.  I'm happier when I'm with her. I'm better when I'm with her. She's it for me, and I know that I'm it for her. We've wasted so much time not being together, but we save each other. We've always saved each other." I admitted, and I wasn't sure where this was even coming from.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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