Chapter Three:

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Chapter Three: 

It was long past midnight, and Andy was sitting in the living room, looking out the window, and watching the snow hit the ground. It was something that she would never get tired of doing. Watching the snow fall while the rest of the world, or the rest of Small Town, Ireland was asleep.

It was nights like these when Andy felt most nostalgic. She would think of Harry holding her in his arms while they sat on the front porch of their house and watched the London rain fall. She would also think of how she used to take Olivia to watch the rain when she was feeling upset. 

It was nights like this that she missed the busy streets of London the most. She missed the warmth of Harry's arms and the gentleness of Olivia's. She missed how simple things had been right after Olivia had been born. 

She felt tears pool her blue eyes, and she tried to blink them away. To her annoyance, they fell anyway. They hit her hands, but she didn't bother to wipe them away. She wanted to let herself feel this pain so that tomorrow she could smile genuinely. She wanted to fall apart so that she could herself back together.

"Wishing on stars?" A quiet voice from behind her caused her to jump in fright. 

She turned to see the most perfect sight. Niall was standing there, shirtless, wearing his plaid pajama pants that she had loved to steal from him, and glowing from the light of the winter moon. He was also rocking his adorable bedhead and morning voice. Two more things that Andy would never grow tired of.

"Why are you so sad, love?" Niall's tone changed, and he was suddenly a lot more alert. 

Nothing would ever bother him more than seeing either Andy or Carson cry, especially when Andy had been so happy just a few hours ago.

Moments like this made him wonder if she was faking her happiness for his benefit. It made him wonder if her laughter was still fake and if her smiles were still forced.

"I'm just thinking of home, you know? We always talk about going back, but we never have time." Andy admitted, not looking away from the snow that was quietly hitting the ground and transforming the world outside into a winter wonderland that Carson was sure to have the time of her life in when she woke up.

"You have a week until your next audition. Why don't you call El and you two meet in LA or New York. I'll take care of Car, and you have a break." Niall offered knowing that he wanted nothing more than to go with her, but he had to work and Carson had school.

It was an offer that Andy had been hoping for, but it didn't make her feel relieved like she should have. She felt like she should be flying to London instead and trying to get Olivia to forgive her.

She just nodded, still thinking things over. Maybe a vacation with Eleanor would be exactly what she needed.

"Can I ask you a question? I don't mean anything by it, and I'm not trying to start a fight. I just need an answer." Niall changed the subject, and he suddenly had Andy's undivided attention.

"You know that you can ask me anything." She said softly, grabbing his hand and wrapping it in her smaller one.

She couldn't help but smile at how rough his hands were from the years of playing guitar. It had been a long time since he had played for her, and she wondered if she could talk him into it. It wasn't something he liked doing since he stopped speaking to the other member of what was One Direction.

"If Olivia forgave you, would you really marry me? That's the only thing stopping you?" He questioned with wide, blue eyes.

His question caught her off guard. She thought that he would ask about what they were going to have for breakfast, not what their future held.

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