Chapter 11:

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Chapter 11:

Olivia's Point of View:

The rain drops continued to hit my face, but I couldn't find the motivation to fish my umbrella out of my bag. 

We've been in this hospital waiting room for days, waiting through surgery after surgery to hear if my mother was going to live or if she was going to die.  I had to step outside and catch my breath before I had an anxiety attack.  I knew that no one had the mental strength to worry about me when they were so worried about her. 

"You're getting all wet." A voice called out, breaking my thoughts and shattering any kind of brief relaxation that I may had felt as the rain came in contact with my skin. 

I was surprised to see my younger sister staring back at me with the eyes that looked so much like my mother's. It was almost easy to see how she had passed her off as Niall's kid for so many years.

She had barley said two words to me since we're all been stuck in my personal hell that is also known as the waiting room.  So it was a shock that she had been the one to come find me.  It had been an even bigger shock that Niall had let her out of his sight for five minutes.

"It's better than being in there." I answered as she took a seat on the bench next to me. She didn't seem to be too worried about getting all wet either.

"They're all scared, Olivia.  They all love her in some way.  In some way, we're all family." She suggested, but I just laughed bitterly at the naive little girl.

"We aren't all family. My father, Arran, and I; we're family.  Sometimes we can include uncle Lou and maybe even Aunt El, even if she bailed a long time ago is and just now trying to make amends. We're family. We've been there for each other.  We've loved each other.  We communicate with each other." I corrected.

I knew that none of this was Carson's fault exactly.  She had just been born at the wrong time, and it was so easy for me to blame her for splitting up my parents.  If Mum hadn't of gotten pregnant with this girl sitting next to me, who knows what could have happened? 

"Your dad is my dad, isn't he?" She asked me innocently, looking up at me with her piercing green eyes. 

She was smarter than she looked, however she would have to be. My mother did not have dumb children. 

"Yes, Carson. He is. I don't know what that means for any of us, or what anyone is going to do about it, but he is your father. " I answered her softly, knowing that I was most likely shattering everything this little girl believed in the world. 

"It means that we're family, Olivia. Do you think Daddy will leave her?" She questioned me again, and once again I was caught off guard. 

I didn't know if Niall would leave my mother. I didn't know if he had it in him, honestly.  She has given her a million and one reasons to walk away, but he has stayed right by her side through it all. 

Only, if he stayed; my father would give her a choice.  He would make her choose between the two of them all over again. I honestly didn't know which option which be worse. 

I wanted my family back together more than anything, but I couldn't stand it if my mother broke my father's heart all over again. She's done it far too many times. 

All of this thinking was making my head hurt, and I realized that I had never answered Carson's question. 

"I don't know. I really don't know." I told her honestly. 

I knew that I most likely should have assured her that her family wouldn't fall apart here. Only, I couldn't. I didn't have it in me. 

"She talks about you all the time.  She talks about how she wishes you would call or would answer her calls.  She talks about you... pained." She admitted, taking my hand in her smaller one.  I let her. 

"I know." I whispered, trying to fight the tears from once again falling. 

I made the mistake of cutting her out of my life all of those years ago. Maybe, we wouldn't be in this position.  Outside of this hospital.  In the rain. 

We sat in silence until a horrified Louis came to find us. 

"There you two are. Carson, your dad wants to take you to get some food. He's waiting for you right inside." He smiled softly at the younger girl who took the hint that he wanted to speak with me alone. 

The fresh redness in my uncle's made me nervous.  He has been the strong one out of all of us over the past few days.  He's been strong for me.  He's been strong for Eleanor.  He's been strong for Arron.  He's been strong for my dad.  He's been strong for everyone.  

Now he's sitting in the place that my younger sister was just occupying.  His eyes are rimmed with red.  He doesn't look very strong right now as the rain soaks his clothes. 

"Olivia, your father wanted to come talk to you; but I convinced him that I should be the one to do it." He started, but he cut himself off. 

"What happened? You're scaring me." I pleaded, my own tears falling.  

She hadn't died had she? It wasn't too late to fix things was it? It couldn't be too late. 

"The doctor... Your Mum.... Olivia, she's in the final stages of liver failure.  She needs a transplant, and she needs one soon.  Livvy, we can take our chances with finding a donor liver; but the doctor's don't think that we have that kind of time." He explained, his blue eyes never leaving my own green ones.

So, she hadn't died yet? But she's going to soon? Is that what he's trying to tell me? 

"Regina is being tested to see if she's a match. If she isn't... You don't have to, but...." He stuttered with his words.  If this wasn't so serious I would laugh at him for being so discombobulated.  

"I would need to be tested." I finished. 

"You don't have to, Liv.  Don't feel like you're under any kind of obligation to do something that you don't want to.  Harry, he won't hold it against you.  No one would, Olivia." He tried, but my mind was already made up. 

"How would that even happen? Don't I need a liver?" I questioned.

"He explained that they would only take part of it.  Your liver regenerates, so you would be fine in the long term. Short term, though, you'd be in pain." He answered. 

"Do you know how much pain I've caused her over the years?  Uncle Louis, I've put her through hell.  If I have a chance... I can handle pain if it means saving her life.  She's my mum, Lou.  How could I say no?" I couldn't say no. I wouldn't.

I couldn't walk away from her again, not when she has tried so hard to be in my life.  Not when I know that she loves me so much. Not when I know that I'm her world. Not when I'd be saving Carson and Arron the heartache of losing their mother. Not when I'd be saving my father from a terrible pain that he would never get over. 

I couldn't put them through that hell. Not if I had the chance to make it right. 

"Regina may be a match, Liv. You may not have to make any kind of choice.  I just wanted you to be prepared in case it went the other way." He said, pulling me in for a hug. 

 "Tell Dad that I'm going home to get a shower and change clothes.  Maybe by the time I get back they'll have her results.  If they ask, tell them that I'm in. Tell them that I'm doing this."  

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