Chapter Nine:

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Chapter Nine:

Harry's Point of View:

She wasn't dead.

Or she wasn't dead, yet.

That's all that I could get out of the nurse that kept scurrying from Andy's room to a room somewhere else in this enormous, cold hospital. 

They would't tell me anything since technically I wasn't family. It didn't matter that we were married once. It didn't matter that we have two children together. It didn't matter that the girl that I loved more than anything was once again fighting for her life. 

This meant that I would be in the dark until Olivia finally arrived.

I couldn't imagine how my youngest daughter was feeling. I'm sure she's sitting on a plane somehow blaming herself. I couldn't remember the last conversation that she had with Andy, and I'm not sure that she could either.

"Niall couldn't get a flight until tomorrow, so he won't be here for a while. He sounded angry, angrier than I had ever heard him." Eleanor commented softly as she returned to her seat beside me. 

We had figured that the news of Andy's attempted suicide would come best from Eleanor. It would have just hit harder if he had to hear it from me. 

I, however, had been the one to call Olivia. I told her not to tell Arran until they got here, he was still young. He wouldn't understand. 

"Can you blame him? He has every right to be angry with her. We all do, but especially him." I whispered before pulling the familiar brunette into my side as the tears fell from her eyes again.

She's spent the past few hours crying. She told me that she had accused Andy of still loving me before she had stormed out. Eleanor had explained how this was all her fault, but it wasn't.  If anything, it was my fault. I had been putting her through hell since the day that we met.

"Why her? Why is she the one who has to fight all of these demons, Harry? She seems so full of life, and she loves so much. Why is she the one who is constantly broken?" Eleanor blurted out after a few minutes of silence, or as much silence as you could find in a hospital waiting room. 

I didn't know the answer, and I wasn't sure that anyone did. Andy had been fighting this battle since before I knew her. But Eleanor was right, Andy was too beautiful of a person to have to fight so much to live. 

The sound of high heels hitting the cold, tile floor caught my attention. It was a sound that didn't belong in a hospital, and neither did the woman wearing the heels.

"Is that...." Eleanor trailed off, also noticing the woman's arrival. 

I just nodded as I took in the familiar head of brown hair and her familiar blue eyes, the eyes that looked so much like her daughter's. 

I wasn't sure that Andy had seen her mother since... well, I don't know when the last time she had seen her mother again.

I watched with raised eyebrows as Regina marched up to the counter and demanded answers about her daughter's status. I watched as the young nurse nodded her blonde ponytail quickly before typing away on her computer.

It wasn't long before Regina was shaking her head and looking rather angry.  She was also angry with her daughter.

Eleanor squeezed my arm as Regina started turning to scan the room. She was looking for a familiar face, and her eyes widened at the sight of me. She wasn't most likely expecting to see a blonde in my seat.

She marched right over to us with her head held hide and her blue eyes wide.

"Have they told you anything?" She barked as she stood in front of Eleanor and me.

I just shook my head at my former mother-in-law. 

"I'm not family." I reminded, choking on my words.

"She has a collapsed lung, some broken ribs, a concussion, and some internal bleeding. She did well through the first surgery. She's stable. They're going to take her back for another operation in a few hours, and then we will be able to see her. They don't know if, or when, she'll wake up, and they don't know what, or if, she'll remember when she wakes. They don't know if there will be any long term effects." She said calmly, in the voice that she had always used. 

It was the same voice that Andy used when she was trying to keep it together instead of falling apart.

"She has to wake up. I won't say goodbye to her again." I said softly. My voice was so soft I wasn't sure that anyone had actually heard me.

I watched in confusion as the smirk that matched her daughter's appeared on the older woman's face. She was amused. She was amused, and it was making me angry.

"You're going to fight for her? That's cute. You've had  years to fight for her. You've had chance after chance to have her be yours. She even was yours, and you lost her. I'm here to take her home. Her and my granddaughter that still a chance of saving. You lost her over and over again, but you won't hurt her anymore." She smiled before flipping her hair and walking down the hallway to her daughter's room where she joined in hushed conversation with Andy's daughter.

"She won't leave with her, Harry." Eleanor tried to comfort, but it wasn't working. I knew that Regina was right.

She was partly right anyway. She was right about the fact that I had hurt her over and over again. 

"She won't leave with me either, El. If she fights this then she'll pick Niall all over again." I corrected.

It didn't seem like it was that long ago that I was in this exact same position, waiting in a hospital, wondering if she would wake up, if she would come back to me.

It didn't seem like that long ago when she shattered my heart.

"I need some air." I choked out, feeling as though the walls were closing in around me. 

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