Chapter Eight:

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Previously on Losing Andy...

Harry's Point of View: 

It wasn't long before my hands were wrapped around a small waist from the back, my hips starting to grind on hers. I felt myself smirk as she reached her hands back and placed them around my neck, pulling me closer, tugging on my hair. I leaned down so that she would be able to feel my breath on her neck.

All of the sudden, I'm eighteen again. I'm dancing with Andy for the first time in that club all of those years ago. I was smirking at Niall from across the bar knowing that I had the young actress exactly where I wanted her. I had her close, a place I had never wanted her to leave.

It was when the song changed that the girl I was actually dancing with turned around. She whipped around so that her face was only a millimeter from my own. I could feel her warm breath on my lips. So much about this scenario seemed so familiar.

My hands were dangerously running along her thigh and were pushing up the hem of her dress. It was obvious she was just as drunk as I was, if not more. For a brief second, I wondered why Eleanor wasn't keeping a better eye on her best friend, but quickly realized that I didn't care.

I just put a smug smirk on my face when I saw the horror on hers. She couldn't hide it, though, those blue eyes of hers were still swimming with lust. With want for me.

"Well, if it isn't Andrea Hendricks." I said smugly, repeating the first words that I had ever said to the girl.

Her eyes just widened at the sound of my voice, but she quickly shook it off, and a smirk took place on her lips. She looked about as amused as I felt.

"Well, if it isn't Harold Styles." She mocked my accent, just as she had that first night, and I rolled my eyes at her still horrid attempt. You would have thought that after actually living in London it would have improved, but it hadn't.

"Do you want to be tomorrow's headlines?" I asked seriously, trying to shake off some of the buzz that I was feeling. I wanted to think clearly, but I knew that I couldn't. Not with her. Not when I was this drunk. Not when she was looking at me like that. Not when I was still in love with her.

"This is going to kill that perfect little reputation of yours. Being seen with me." She quoted herself from years ago, sounding just as insecure now as she had then.

And like I told her then, I told her that I could handle it. 

Chapter Eight:

Andy's Point of View:

Last night will always be the biggest regret of my life, and trust me, I've had my share of regrets. 

Waking up next to the familiar brunette, I didn't know if I should feel more disappointed or relieved. Well, I knew that I should feel relieved. Only, I couldn't ignore the stab of disappointment that was flowing through my body.  

"What happened last night?" I asked groggily, taking the glass of water from my best friend's shaking hands.

The last thing that I remembered was dancing with Harry. I remember us leaving together. I don't remember anything that happened after that. I don't know how I wound up back in my hotel room to wake up with a mouth full of Eleanor's hair. 

She smirked at me before handing me something for the hangover she knew that I had. She jumped back down onto the bed next to me and jumped into her recollection of last night.

"Apparently you and Harry found your way to each other last night, not surprising by the way, and I'm not sure who was more intoxicated. Only, he called me last night. He said that you had passed out in the cab.  He knew that he couldn't take advantage of you, and he didn't want to have to face you in the morning. He didn't say that last part, but I'm guessing.  He didn't want to ruin your relationship with Niall if if wasn't something he was completely sure you wanted.  He was so sweet, Andy. I met him back here, and he carried you up to the room. We were sure not to be photographed. He kissed your cheek and told me to have a good night." Eleanor gushed, her eyes lighting up the way that they used to when she talked about how much she thought Harry loved me.

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