Chapter 1 - The Begininng

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A dark forest. The sound of thousands of insects buzzing.

A teenager in a pink dress walks through the dense fog. Her pace is slow and clumsy.

We don't see her face, but her legs and arms are completely covered in blood.

At a clearing in the woods, she stops. Someone's following her. Two shadows dart between the trees. She picks up her pace, moving faster now.

Suddenly, out of the dark, someone throws a black hood over her head and yanks her back. She falls to the ground.

She shouts and kicks as two rednecks covered in dirt and mud pin her down.

One of the rednecks smiles, flashing the few teeth he has left.

"We caught the bitch..." The toothless redneck says.

The teenager keeps kicking and moaning.

The other longhaired redneck smiles "Sweet dreams doll face."

Then, he hits her in the head with the base of a sawed-off Remington shotgun.

She instantly stops moving.


The girl wakes up. She is tied to a pole. Her pink summer dress is torn and covered in blood that drips down her legs, pooling in the pair of dirty Converse sneakers on her feet. Clothes that would normally be cute and endearing now bear witness to horrible violence.

We see the girl's POV through the hood. She can just barely make out a few points of light.

CLOSE ON bony hands that cut the head off of a black-colored bird with a knife. Dark blood bursts out of the wound - What's left of the bird continues flapping.

The bird if hung on the ceiling, alongside dozens of other headless crows.

An old woman emerges from the darkness, her hands covered in blood. Her hair is long and white. She sports worn out jeans and a worn- t-shirt. She speaks in Turkish.

"Don't be afraid, girl..." The woman says calmly.

The terrified girl speaks through the hood.

"Who are you? Where the hell am I? Somebody help me!"

The old woman has something covered in a gray fabric in her arms. She uncovers it to reveal--


It seems to be made from the skin of a human face frozen in the most terrified expression imaginable.

"Only the evil book can undo what the evil book had done..." The woman calmly says.

"Please..." The teenager says, with tears in her eyes.

The old woman makes a sign with her head towards one side of the room.

A mysterious man steps out of the shadows. He walks towards the girl.

"I just want to go home. Please." Now crying.

In one quick move, the man snatches the hood from the teenager, fully revealing her face for the first time.

She gasps for air. One side of her face has been slashed; it oozes blood and pus.

Terrified, her eyes dart around the room until coming to rest on the man in front of her.

The teen is shocked. "Daddy?"

Harold is in front of her. A bald, rosy- cheeked father with a tiny pair of glasses. His white shirt is stained with blood. He can't stop trembling and is about to break down in tears. He reaches out his hand to touch her face, but stops.

"Daddy, what's going on? Who are these people?"

Harold tries his best not to cry. "They're good people. They're here to help you."

"Daddy, please... What are you talking about? Where's mom?" The teenager sobs.

"Mommy's dead, baby... You know that." Harold looks her in the eyes.

"What?! No!"

"You killed her. You did."

Her face twists in agony. "No. Why are you saying that? Please, Dad, I wanna go home... I wanna go home."

Harold holds a plastic bottle in one trembling hand.

The old woman waits, "Do it..." She stared at the drawing of a person in flames in the evil book. A hand written text reads : PURIFICATION BY FIRE.

"....It's the only way to save her soul." She looks up at Harold.

Harold pours some kind of dark, oily liquid from the bottle all over the head and body of his daughter.

"I'm so sorry..." He starts to cry.

The girl gags, choking pitifully as the liquid flows down onto her face and neck.

"What is that? Daddy, no! Please stop, Daddy."

She can smell the gasoline.

"Save her soul. Her body is already condemned." The old woman holds one of her own hands a few inches from the cover of the book.

Harold takes a box of matches from his pocket. He tries to light one; it's damp and doesn't easily catch fire.

"Daddy, please. I love you so much. Stop. I want you to hold me and take me home." The girl's emotional appeal is too much for Harold. He stops.

"I love you too, baby..."

The old woman grabs his arm and gives it a firm shake. "Do it! Give your daughter peace!"

Harold doesn't understand what she's saying, but he knows what he has to do. He dries his tears and lights another match.

The girl stops crying. Suddenly, she's no longer afraid. Her eyes seem to fill with anger and hate. She looks directly into her father's eyes and whispers.

"I'll rip your soul out, Daddy."

The match finally ignites. He holds it up high, illuminating his daughter's face as it twists and contorts in diabolical ways. Her eyes are as black as night, her voice deep and raspy, sounding like it came straight from hell.


She screams like a rabid hyena, salivating black blood.

Harold, terrified, flings the match at his daughter.She bursts into flames.


The flames illuminate the old woman's face. She's in a deep trance, one of her eyes blinking rapidly.

Harold raises the Remington shotgun and points the barrel straight at his daughter's head.

She emits one final. bloodcurling scream.

"AAAAAAAAAAAARAH!" Screamed the demon.

Harold shoots.

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