Chapter 2 - Promise Me

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A tiny road snakes its way through a mighty gray forest, under dark clouds.

A Jeep drives the desolate route.

A man wakes up in the passenger seat. The tiniest bit of sunlight filters through the clouds and illuminates his face.

This is David. He's trim and fit, with boyish good looks and a one-day old beard. He squints at the sun.

"C'mon David, wake up. I think we just crossed the Tennessee border." says his girlfriend, Natalie, who is next to him. She's an all-American blonde, beautiful and hot without trying to be so. She fights with the Jeep's GPS.

"Fucking hell. It's morning already?" He stretches.

"Come on, baby. You promised me you'd try to go easy on the swearing. You wake up and the first word out of your mouth is-" She moved her lips without emitting a sound, "FUCK."

"I fucking promised that?" He smirks.

He gently kisses her and then knocks on the back window. "How're you hanging back there Grandpa?"

Grandpa is an old mutt. A black lab. He enjoys a nap on the Jeep's trunk surrounded by a bunch of auto parts and tools.

"Hold that old bladder, we're almost there buddy."


David unbuckles his seat belt and stretches his legs.

"God, I wish I could tape you every time you promise something." Natalie says, rolling her eyes.

David strikes strange poses with his body, stretching his muscles. "Well, I promised you'd meet my old friends and family from back home, and it looks like today is the day."

"Well, this is not exactly an egagement tea."

"I know, I know.. Thanks again for doing this, Nat."

Natalie smiles reasuringly. "I'm not the tea type anyway."

"Wait, this is the turn." David points as he slows down the Jeep.

He turns right and takes a narrow dirt road.

The vehicle comes to an old asphalt bridge that rests over a deep creek. The water's almost up to the bridge.

The Jeep carefully crosses it and then heads down a rough dirt road into the woods.



A leafy gray forest. There's an old cabin surrounded by overgrown grass and a pile of rusty junk; it looks like no one has been there in years.

A young couple waits next to the cabin.

The Jeep stops next to an old toolshed.

They both come down form the Jeep and take a couple of backpacks from the trunk.

David stares at the cabin in astonishment.

"Shit, this place has gone downhill. It looks like a crackhouse now."

They approach the waiting couple.

Olivia is walking toward them, waving her arms excitedly. Eric sits next to the Van, reading a book.

"How's it goin' girl?" David exaggerates his Michigan accent.

Olivia smirks at David. She has short hair and a certain tomboyish, rock n' roll swagger.

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