Chapter 9 - You Shouldn't Have Touched Anything

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On the other side of the door, another old room with stone walls. Everything's very dark.

David switches on a new light to discover:

DOZENS OF HEADLESS CROWS AND DEAD CATS hanging from the ceiling.

(This is the same stone wall room where Harold killed his daughter in 27 years ago.)

"Oh my God." David says in disbelief.

Over the side of the room, a big stone tank filled with rain water to the top makes an echoed dripping sound.

"Whoa.." Eric looks around.

"Shit.. What is this?" David says, flashing his flashlight everywhere.

"Looks like witchcraft to me." Eric follows behind David.

A wooden post in the middle of the room is burnt to a carbonized crisp. David touches it with the tips of his fingers. "Something burned here."

"Probably an animal sacrifice of some sort." Eric looks up at the dead animals.

David takes in the room. In the corner of it, something catches his eye.  "Oh shit..."

On top of a metal desk is a shotgun, some ammunition and...

A book.

The cover is the face of a man screaming in agony. All the dust floating aorund it seems to have stopped, frozen.



"That's some ugly freaking book.." Olivia says, examining it.

Mia's curled up on the couch, her arms wrapped around her knees.

Eric looks at it for a moment. He feels the strange leather cover with her arms wrapped aorund her knees.

"Guys, let's not freak out over this. First thing tomorrow I'm gonna go bury these rotten animals out back. The smell will be gone in no time." David states.

Mia looks over at David with a blank expression. "And what about all that voodoo shit they did down there?"

Eric's attention is fixed on the book. "No, voodoo is more about salt, dolls, personal artifacts... This seems different."

Olivia is freaked out. "Baby, please."

"It's probably the work of these gypsies down in Redcliff creek. They sacrificed some wild animals and played with the Oujia board." David claims, looking up at everyone.

Eric murmurs to himself, "That's the stupidest thing I ever heard."

Mia can't take her eyes off the basement door. She still has a creepy blank expression on her face.  "You shouldn't have touched anything from that basement."

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