Chapter 12 - Where Are You?

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Inside Eric's Van, Mia puts the petal to the metal and starts leaving the cabin behind. In the center mirror she can see the four friends running out to the porch hopelessly.

The van accelerate under the rain.

Mia's face revealing just how anguished she is. She's not proud of what she's doing.

The tears falling from her eyes make it even harder to navigate the already precarious road.

She struggles to see through the rain when--

She spots the starving coyote stopped dead in its tracks in the middle of the road.

The animal looks right at her and SHRIEKS LIKE A HUMAN BEING.

It's too late to brake.

Mia hits the animal, yanks the steering wheel, and the vehicle violently stops against deep mud.

The impact flings Mia's face against the dashboard. She passes out cold.

The van is crashed against the tree, under heavy rain.

Mia realizes there's some blood on her forehead. Her hands trembling and in shock, she starts the van and pushes the gas pedal.

The front tires spin and spin, burrowing themselves deeper in the mud.

Mia, hysterical, pounds the steering wheel with her hands.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!!!"

She stays there, quietly, crying.

She takes out the car keys and goes for the door.

The door laboriously inches open. Mia steps outside, right into the muck. The mud is deeper than she thought, so she falls on her hands.

Then, something growls angrily---

She looks up to find, right in front of her, THE COYOTE. Half of its body is completely flattened by the van, its skull cracked by the impact.

But the beast is STILL ALIVE.

Using what's left of its front paws, the mutilated animal drags itself towards Mia.

"Get away from me!"

CHOMP! CHOMP! The coyote snaps at her, nearly biting her arm.

Mia drags herself back, but the beast jumps over her body!

Now the animal is on her and growls two inches away from her face. The beast's blood and saliva are spilled all over her face and mouth!

With her forearm against the animal's neck, Mia fights to keep its jaws away from her neck.

The car keys fall from her pocket right next to her.

With her free arm, Mia reaches for it and holds it like a dagger, and with all her might, she stabs the animal repeatedly in its left eye.

The animal crawls away from her.

Mia rolls over and begins running through the muck, scared and overwhelmed, she runs right into a big black THORN BUSH.

She tries to protect her face and keep moving, but the branches seems to wrap around her arms and legs.

She fights to free herself, the thorns driving themselves deeper and deeper into her flesh, until it stops her completely.

She can't seem to move anymore.

Suddenly, the coyote appears right in front of her. There's a black hole where its left eye used to be.

Branches and wood bend and crack around the enraged beast.

Mia is terrified.

The animal's eyes are horrifying and an unrealistic black. It stares at Mia. It finally opens its mouth and emits its last chilling human scream. As it does, THICK BLACK BLOOD oozes from all of its wounds.

The thick black blood oozes its way to Mia. It trails up Mia's leg and crawls up into an inappropriate area, basically raping her.

Mia screams in horror.


David walks through the rain into the marsh, looking for his sister. "Mia! Mia! Where are you?!"

He walks right into the muck, passing an enormous dead tree. He spots a silhouette frozen in the fog.


Like a nervous animal, Mia pauses there.

"What are you doing out here? Please, come on, let's go back to the cabin."

Mia turns towards him, her eyes large and black. Several puncture wounds on her arms drip with blood.

She SCREAMS, looking right into her brother's eyes.

Mia's screams are audible throughout the endless forest.

Evil DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora