Chapter 20 - Blackout

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Natalie painfully unrolls a handkerchief from her hand.

There's an imprint of Mia's teeth on Natalie's hand. A horrible black and blue infection appears to have formed around the bite. She shakes her head and utteres an uncharacteristic epithet.


She desperately tries scrubbing the wound clean, but an unpleasant black liquid continues oozing out.



David sits on the bed, frantic.

"Can't we stop this? Reverse whatever the hell you've started? We gotta help her. There must be something we can do."

Eric flips through the pages. "There is a section here that talks about... expulsion."

David can't believe he's having this conversation. "Expulsion?"

"David. This 'thing' is attached to Mia's soul like a leech. If I'm reading this right, it's become her. If we want to stop it, I;m afraid we're gonna have to... to--"

David chokes. "No. No, no, no."

"I don't think there's another way..."

"Have you gone insane? I'm not going to fucking kill my sister!"



Natalie runs her injured hand under running water.

"Please stop, please stop.."

Suddenly, something seems to emerge from the wound. She pushes on it with her fingers and it STICKS TO HER like gum.

Terrified, she realized it's a long, dark worm.

She flings it against the ground and leans against the refrigerator. She looks down, but there's no signs of the worm.



David is desperately trying to evade the inevitable. "Okay. We're all going a little crazy right now. It's stopped raining and in a couple of hours the bridge will be clear, and we're gonna go look for help. Everything's going to be fine."

"You don't fucking get it, do you? If we don't do something right fucking now, we're all gonna be dead by then, or worse."



Natalie looks at her hand again. The infection has reached her wrist; her hand is completely atrophied. The flesh is decaying, the skin rotting off at a rapid pace. Her diamond ring is buried in black, necrotizing tissue.

"Oh, please God no, no, no , no, no..."

Terrfied, she takes a few quick steps back. Her legs give out because of panic, and she falls to the floor, taking everything on the counter with her--

Including the electric knife.

Even in her sitting position, she backs up as if fleeing from her own arm.

There's a mirror on the closest wall. Reflected on it, Natalie's arm SEEMS TO BE COMPLETELY HEALTHY.

There's nothing wrong with it at all.

But Natalie, paralyzed with fear, watches us as the infection makes its way TOWARDS HER SHOULDER.

She tries shouting for help, but fear and panic muffle her voice.

Unable to breathe, she barely shouts, "Daaaviid..."

She looks towards the living room. What she sees makes her blood run cold.



Mia has managed to open the trapdoor a few inches, and stares a hole right into Natalie's soul.

Natalie cries, "Gimme back my hand.."

Mia sings with a horrific tone:

"...We're gonna to get you. Not another peep. Time to go to SLEEP..."

Natalie's eyes ROLL BACK IN HER HEAD, turning nearly white. Her jaw shakes and begins drooling.

Pitch black darkness seems to grow in the corners of the room.

The putrefied infection continues inching further and further up her arm, black than before.

Natalie spots the electric knife on the floor next to her. Her left hand reaches out for it.

Deep in this catatonic state, Natalie grips the knife tightly. She hits the power button and--

SWEEEE!! The blade accelerates at high speed.

Natalie brings it up to her right biceps. She opens her eyes and looks at Mia.


Natalie PLUNGES THE KNIFE into her arm. The flesh seperates from the bone as easy as butter.

Natalie's face is bathed in blood, choking back a scream.

The blade reaches her bone and emits a high-pitched sound.

Lots of blood slips inside the knife and the plug where is connected suffers a violent short-circuit.



The lights flicker. It's a blackout.

"Shit..." Eric gulps.

Eric and David exchange looks in the dark.

David quickly walks into the darkened living room. "Natalie?"

He heads towards the kitchen...

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