Part 2 the battle for control

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              "Gipsy Danger ready for launch sequence." said a woman. They watch as the Jaguar walked into the ocean. "Gipsy Danger at miracle mile and holding. Target in site and closing." said hiccup. All the Berkiens murmur in worry. "Alright let's do this, together!" yells hiccup. Moko nods, and the battle for control begins. Leatherback charges Gipsy only to miss and get held in place. "Yeah!" cheers Herc. "Come on Gipsy! Kick his ass!" cheers Chuck. Gipsy then grabs the weaponry that was fused to it's back, and rips it off. 

            Leatherback roared in anger and pain. He charged Gipsy who did its best to block the creature. "Plasma cannon, now!" yells hiccup. "Plasma cannon engaged." Said the computer. Gipsy then shot Leatherback mertilessly, holding nothing back. "Empty the clip, Empty the clip!" yells hiccup. Ten shots later, Leatherback fell to the ground. The kiju was pronounced dead-on-site. 

        "Marshal, category 5 Leatherback is dead. Miracle mile secured, Gipsy danger reporting to base." said hiccup. We change to the inside of the shatter dome. Hiccup and Moko walk down a large corridor, while an even larger crowd of people who are cheering fallow them. "Mr. Haddock, Mrs. Mori?" yells Marshal who walked up to them and says "Never in all my years of fighting, have I ever, seen fighting like that. I'm proud of you, proud of us all. Though, as hash as it sounds. There is no time to celebrate, no time to greave. We still have a mission to do, and the fact that the attacks are getting worse, don't help. Reset that clock!" said Marshal. Who then noticed that his nose was bleeding again. As he walked away as he took a cloth and put it up to his nose and said, in a more serious tone. "Reset the clock." Hiccup and Moko look at each other worried.

         What is Marshal hiding, and what will the people of Berk say.

                  Find out next week on "Its not about the popularity" Pasific rim ending/battle song  

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