Part 6 Razor Tail

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            "Gipsy danger report to bay08." said the computer. Hiccup and Moko get into Gipsies cockpit and Hiccup said. "Gipsy Danger, ready for the big drop." Gipsies head/cockpit drops then locked in place. "Right hemisphere, Left hemisphere calibrated, pilot-to-pilot control. Gipsy Danger awaiting command." said hiccup. "Gipsy listen to me, this kiju is code named 'Razor Tail'. It has three long spear like tails strong enough to hit you, through and through. It's a category 6, first ever." said marshal. "Yes sir, Gipsy Danger has taken battle stance." said hiccup. Then, a loud roar was herd. Razor Tail had made his way to the surface and without warning, strikes Gipsy hard. Gipsy had been hit so hard that it was thrown into the air and landed hard on the loading docks of Berk. Getting up as if nothing happened, the jaguar charged the large beast. "Let's do this, together!" Yells hiccup. They were able to land several blows and just when they were about deliver the kill blow. Razor rapped his tails around the jaguars raised arm. "I'll hold it. Vent the coolent on the left flank." Yells hiccup. Moko turns to the screen, presses a button and says. "Venting coolent." Within mere seconds, the kiju's three tails were frozen solid. Gipsy yanked it's arm back, causing the tails to shatter like glass. The jaguar then activated it's chain sword and cut the head clean off the kiju's shoulders. Razor Tail was no match for Gipsy Danger.

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