Part 3 you only care about yourself

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       I'm sorry, l just couldn't wait any longer to update anyway here we go.

            Hiccup and Moko are talking, when stoic interrupted them. "Hiccuup"yells an angry stoic. "Moko go get marshal, now."said hiccup. Moko nods and runs. Hiccup stood his ground. "How dare you pose as a ranger!" yells stoic. People gathered around the two. "I am a ranger and unlike you, I don't care for the metals or the fame. I have a saying." (ITS NOT ABOUT THE POPULARITY.) said hiccup, who started yelling. "Do you think that this is some game? Because it isn't! My fellow rangers gave their lives to give people like you a chance to change! Instead you don't care if they die! You don't give a crap for anyone but yourself!" Hiccup then spoke in a calm voice and said. "Seeing as how I'm not the son you've always wanted. And that the only reason you keep me around is to be your (slave) as you call me. You want a different son, then why don't I help you with it. I'm not your son. Your not my father." Everyone except Marshal (who had gotten there not long after it started) gasps at hiccup's words. Stoic glares at hiccup and says. "How dare you say such things to me you useless bratty poor excuse for a ra..." Stoic couldn't finish his rant, because hiccup sucker punched him in the face. Stoic was knocked unconscious and everyone except for the Berkiens cheered. 


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