Part 8 Crossing paths with the past

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               Moko and hiccup were on a date at 'Berk Park'. They sat under a large tree, then hiccup took out his pocket knife got up and went to it. Moko watched, confused on what hiccup was doing. She then smiled when she saw, that he had carved into it a heart. On the inside was HH X MM. Moko kissed hiccup on the cheek and they both lie down. Looking at the clouds. 

       "Hey look it's the two love birds." Said, you guested it, Snotlout. Hiccup and Moko sit-up and glare at him. "What do you want Simon?" asked a very angry hiccup. Snotlout glared at him. "It's Snotlout not some weirdo name like hiccup." said a angry Snotlout. "Well it's better then having the word snot in my name." said hiccup. They were starting to draw a crowd. "Come on Moko let's get out of here." said hiccup. He and Moko were leaving, when Snotlout decided to open his big mouth. "That's right you and your little bitch run away." he said. Snotlout was then punched in the face so hard, he lost six teeth. "Apologies." said a very pist off hiccup. Snotlout then said. "Piss off." Hiccup then punch him in the gut with such force. It caused Snotlout to fall to his knees, loose his lunch and fall to his side. Hiccup and Moko both leave and act like nothing happened. The crowd dissipated not long after they left.

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