Part 7 the talk with marshal: part 2

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             We change to marshal, who was leaning in front of a mirror. "How sick are you and why didn't you tell me?" asked hiccup who came out of nowhere. "What's to tell." said marshal, who continued speaking. "You know those mock 1's, we scraped those bad boys together in less then seventeen months. The last thing we were worried about was 'radiation shielding'. I ran at least 12 missions, stayed under the medical radar for awhile. The last time I jockeyed I lost my co-pilot, but for three hours I burned. The doctor said if I stepped foot in a jaguar again, the toll would be too much. You and I are the only two that ran solo combat. That's why I brought you here. Mr. Haddock what was said in this room. Stays in this room, do I make myself clear." Marshal said. Hiccup holds out his hand, which marshal shakes. "Yes sir." said hiccup. Marshal nods and hiccup leaves the room.

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