the Empire State Building eh?

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I looked through the peep hole and saw a very angry looking Mr. McClain...

I slowly opened the door to come face to face with Brody, if I said that I wasn't scared that he was a big teddy bear I'd definitely be lying.

"Care to fucking explain why I have a bloodied nose Ms Dae in my house crying about how you HIT her?!" he spoke before I could even have a chance to say hello. Not that I wanted to say hi to this asshole who obvisously didn't know how to keep it in his pants after he told me how he "felt".

Instead of answering his idiotic question I replied with one of my own, "Care to FUCKING explain why I had a Ms Dae come up and threatened to KILL my kids if I talked to you let alone look at you?!" If I do say so myself I'd say I was pretty pissed off about it. The look on his face was pure horror, I don't know what she had said to him but it was definitely not what I just spoke.

"Nevaeh.. I'm sorry I didn't know she threatened the kids. But she is your elder and teacher you have to respect her. But I have a nice assed lady to go and fuck.." he trailed off like expecting me to be jealous? Ha that's funny!

"Well just make sure to tell her if she thinks about coming over to my house even stepping a toe onto my property I will personally kill her. But have a great time fucking her and having her scream like a dying cat that has been thrown off the empire state building. Oh and Mr. McClain, just so you know I don't scream that way..." trailing my fingers down the front of his body stopping right at his hardening shaft through his jeans. "But I'm afraid I'm done here, have a nice life Mr. McClain.." winking up at him as I shut the door on his shocked expression that I think may be permanently stuck on his face. I guess it took a few minutes for him to defrost from my advancement as his face got beat red and started screaming profanities at my door and beating it with his fist. As I swung the door open I had to duck from the blows he was still throwing. "Can I help you-" my voice was cut off by the pressure of Brody's lips crushing against mine.

As he backed away he spoke, "Have I ever told you that you are sexy when you flirt?" he walked back to his place leaving me stunned from the electricity that his lips seem to carry. I shut the door and walked back into the kitchen to see Jay and Elli digging into the left over cookie dough that was in the fridge. Jayden and Elizabeth's faces were covered with cookie dough and colorful from the 'MnM's in it. The bowl was dropped and the spoon popped out of Jay's mouth and landed on the floor, when they looked up at me with the evidence on their faces. Jayden had the look of 'oh shit it wasn't me' plastered on his face, as for Elli, she started crying since she had been caught.

"Hey guys... where'd you get the batter? Did you guys save me any?" I asked kneeling down to their level trying hard to not look as scary.

"I- I'm so sor- sorry- momma *sniff* it was my idea to eat the cookie dough! Don't get mad at Elli!" Jay spoke finally getting the water works out of the way.

"I'm not angry that you ate the cookie dough, but I am angry because you two know better than to get into that. you guys can get sick from it!" picking up the drooled on bowl and spoon off the floor and standing up to put it them in the sink. I turned around to see Elli hugging my legs and saying sorry over and over..

i'm sorry for the late update, but I have great news! next month i'm swearing into the Air Force! ill have a year till I go into basic training, since I'll be in the delayed entry program! :D

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