Things Are Not in My Favor Right Now.

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Brody's POV

Recap. I turned around to see my brother's car down the road seeing s there was no other place to park in my driveway from mines and Alex's cars. I opened the door to see and hear her and my brother going to town on my counter...

Present time. "What the fuck do you two think you are doing on my counter?! My damn counter! I hope to God that you two clean it with bleach!" I averted my eyes to stop from seeing anymore, I really couldn't believe that I had sex with her earlier in the day. I was disgusted with myself once again. The both of them scrambled off each other and my brother covered his junk but Alex didn't cover she let herself be out in the open for all eyes to see. "Cover up, your embarrassing yourself." I said turning around heading upstairs to take a shower. "I'm taking a shower, do not disturb me." I yell through the door as I hear giggling and things crashing over. Groaning as I hear things smash on the ground stripping my clothes away and stepping into the warm shower, alike from every second of the day drifts to Nevaeh. I remember what she was wearing this morning when she went and dropped off Eli at daycare, her blue pj shorts that stopped right under her glorious ass and a white spaghetti strap shirt showing off her boobs. I admit it I stare at her through my window, it makes me feel as if I'm a pervert staring at a senior in high school for all I know she might even be 17 still. (Nevaeh hasn't told him that she's almost 19 and the kids aren't hers). My mind goes towards the first time I saw her this morning at school where she changed into blue jeans so tight they looked like as if they were painted on her. Making my hands twitch from wanted to reach out and grab her and fuck her had on my classroom door. Her shirt was a mix of the white top from earlier and a dark blue little jacket, making her tits be out but still be hiding leaving something for the imagination to solve. When my mind came to realize I was still in the shower with my hand on my hardened dick relieving some of the pressure that my thoughts made, I let go disgusted that I was thinking of an underaged girl while jacking off.

I turned the shower off and got dressed in my boxers while the door rang I went down stairs to see the mess those bastards made my house, broken glass everywhere and things tipped over. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders when I opened the door to see a police officer telling us that we need to be quiet with the sex noises and that they've gotten a complaint about it. I told him that we would even though I wasn't having sex with Alex I still got in trouble, when I was about to close the door I looked over to my angel's house to see her smirking at me. So she was the one who called it in. That's when I got mad, I understand that she thinks I'm having sex with Alexandria but at least she could listen to me and hear my side of it. I shut the door to see my brother sitting on my couch with a blanket wrapped around his torso flipping through the channels.

"You bastard! You two got the cops called, now one of my students think I'm some sort of pervert!" I realized that I shouldn't be getting this mad over Nevaeh hearing anything if I want to lay low and seem as if I don't like an underaged girl. So I started laughing not well I might add and saying that its going to be awkward in class now.

"Well I guess we could go over and tell her that it wasn't as it seemed and tell her that your brother was over like he is?" Alex asked looking up at me.

"Actually that' not a bad idea, but she said the next time you step on her property she's going to kill you." I tell her. The look on her face was as if she finally believed that it would be true until it turned into a scowl and something evil was going through her head and I didn't want to know what it was.

"Okay lets go then." She grabbed my arm and pulled me over to Nevaeh's house

When we got there Alex pounded on the door rudely , the door swung open and a beautiful mad voice rang out, "Can I help you?!" I was staring at a very pissed off girl

"You really had to call the police cause you were jealous and couldn't be involved? I wouldn't blame you really cause look at him" Alex spit out, I was shocked this is not what we were supposed to be doing here. "he's definitely a looker" she said winking at Nevaeh.

"No, I didn't call because I was jealous. I called because my five year old little boy heard and asked what that noise was. I was not about to explain what you two were doing, I wasn't going to explain the bird and bees talk to him! I'm going to assume that you didn't little little miss bitch what I was going to do if she stepped onto my property? Now Ms. Dae and Mr. McClain, get the FUCK off my property and the next time either of you knock on my front door I will open the door and punch you right in your fucking faces. I will not be bothered about it either." her voice spoke in a low but threatening way. the door was then slammed in our faces.

I was outraged at Alex, when I got to the house I exploded grabbing Alex's shoulders and yelled, "What the fuck was that?! we were supposed to tell her that we weren't having sex!" before she had a chance to reply I threw her out of the house and pushed her to her car, "Stay away from me Alex, you could fuck my brother all you want but do not fuck with my life!" I walked back into the house and up to my room seeing that her window was open so I jumped onto a branch and walked across to her window and jumped through it. waiting there till she came to bed so I could talk to her and try to explain that thing aren't in my favor right now and how much I care for her and I would try anything to gain the trust back that was destroyed when I had sex with Ms Dae.

Sorry guys it's not much but it's something/: next chapter will be in both POV's so it will continue with the story instead of one day in their POV. and I have horrible news my "grandpa" is now with God, he had a really bad few days and he went in his sleep and his heart couldn't handle it.. but hopefully I will update soon if you liked it at all vote and comment saying what you liked about it! I'd like to thank zahanililou, you have been an amazing follower always commenting on the chapters so thank you so much!(:


Paige(: <3

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