Did I Really Want to Know the Answer?

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His eyes were looking through me, as if he could see me soul. Let me tell you something, that was a little unnerving. I knew what I had to do, I wouldn't let him get away with what he'd done. He could have said no to her, he didn't need to invite her over to his house, but he did and had sex with her. After telling me that he had feelings for me? Seriously? Like what kind of person does that?! Oh yea that's right the kind of person he is. An arrogant pigheaded asshole bastard son of a bitch kind of person. I then remembered he was still looking at me and I had to do it now or it was never.

I pushed him back making him tumble backwards onto my bed. "You say that you have feelings for me. That you couldn't stay away from me anymore. How could you say that and then go fuck some cheap teacher?" I asked genuinely.

"How? Are you kidding me? You're asking me how I could do something like that?!" his voice was raged, I honestly was scared. I've never heard anyone with that evil of a voice, it could pierce through the thickest skins. "I'll tell you how! If you really want to know!"

Did I really want to know? I knew that answer already. "No. I don't want to know."

He stood up and walked over to me grabbing my face with such force I gasped for air before his lips hit mine. He was pushing his lips on mine so harshly I thought my lips would bruise. He let go of my face kissing me lightly a few more times before saying, "Are you sure you don't want to know?"

My voice cracked out a small yes. I really didn't want to know how he did it, or how easily it was for him to forget the electrifying sensation that was still charging on my swollen lips.

"Okay.. I'll be leaving then." and with that he walked to my small little patio attached to my outside door. He looked over at his house grabbing a branch from the tree outside and jumped on it and walking towards the patio on the other side. I walked over shutting the french doors and locking them, pulling my dark navy blue curtains closed. I then realized that I was still in nothing but my underwear and bra, and then it hit me once more, A TEACHER SAW ME IN THEM! I shouldn't be so surprised but at least he could have let me put on my night gown! That man infuriates me. I thought climbing into bed after pulling on my black gown. Hearing the door creak open I found a very tired looking Elizabeth.

"Hey baby girl what's up?" I pulled the covers up as she climbed up into my soft bed after shutting the door once again.

"I couldn't sleep, tat cying is loud momma. Is she gonna be okay?" Elli spoke quietly and almost drifting off to sleep.

"Yea baby she'll be okay, it will just take her a bit." I ran my hands through her hair that was getting a bit long. The door creaked open again but this time it was the older one, Jayden climbed into bed wrapping his arms around Elli. Falling asleep while talking about what he wanted to do tomorrow during school.

Sorry it was short I just wanted to get something out there to finish off the night in the story.

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